Hank Wesselman on Awakening to the Spirit World

Regina Meredith talks with anthropologist Hank Wesselman about the original practice of shamanism, how it shaped the world’s spiritual traditions and why it is relevant today.

Because shamanism is experience and practice-based rather than belief-based, Hank Wesselman feels it is important for humankind to acknowledge and embrace this wisdom. In his new book, Awakening to the Spirit World, Wesselman discusses his relationship with his Hawaiian Kahuna mentor, Hale Makua, and what he was taught in the spirit world. Wesselman and co-author Sandra Ingerman bring together a circle of renowned Western shamanic elders to present a comprehensive manual for making these indigenous techniques for healing, insight and spiritual growth accessible and available in our daily lives.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: Hank Wesselman