The Impact of Happiness with Linda Cruse
Lilou Mace

In Windsor, England, Lilou talks with Linda Cruse, author of Marmalade and Machine Guns. She shares some of her life history, what led her astray from her life’s path, and how she found it again. It all started with a profound experience that caused her to re-evaluate her life and what everything in it really meant to her. This caused her to become more aware of what made her happy, and she spent more of her time pursuing what made her happy.

Now, she helps the private sector and works with relief efforts, all over the world, from earthquakes and floods. In this discussion, she explains that anyone can have a huge impact on the lives of other people. It is important to learn what gifts you have, by learning what makes you happy, then honor that by learning how you can weave that into your day to day life. It is not about money, it is about connecting with people, starting with everyone around us.

Présentateur: Lilou Mace
Avec: Linda Cruse