Jason Rice: The Secret Space Program and Its Effects
Jason Rice

The many people worldwide who have been involved in various unacknowledged special access programs like the SSP are an integral part of today’s society. They come from widely ranging careers, socio-economic backgrounds and social structures from all parts of the world. Whether or not they are aware of their involvement in these programs, their experiences are contributing to the global co-creative and awakening process. This talk explores the nature of IDARF, the details of their deployments and the implications it will have on society when the world is awakened to its existence. It explores a number of factors that human beings will be faced with in a post-disclosure era as a direct result of unacknowledged top secret space programs. Jason Rice was recruited into unacknowledged classified programs at a very early age. After graduating in 1996 with a bachelor of science in engineering, he served as a ground forces officer in the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet. His career in that unit took him to distant worlds, training and serving alongside indigenous alien populations defending their home-worlds against false-flag interstellar invasions. From advanced weapons and combat technology to outer space war tactics, Jason has a wealth of information to share. For the first time, get unfettered access to a secret space program insider.

Présentateur: Jason Rice