Jean Shinoda Bolen on Women of Wisdom

Jean Shinoda Bolen is telling the world that it’s time for the women to gather, in an effort to begin genuine global peace dialog. She asserts that with women at the table healing and healthy compromise are possible, in part because the female brain is wired more for diplomacy and moving between creative and logical processes, which is required in finding solutions.

As a professor of psychiatry at the University of San Francisco, Bolen’s career as a feminine cultural leader has inspired many women to begin gathering in circles around the world, and to make their presence known in political arenas and board rooms, to create a more compassionate and mature species through conscious parenting. Featured at the end of this video is Deborah Koppel Mitchell, creator of Spheres Women’s Circles, which has started to gather women in answer to Bolen’s call. This interview was made possible by kind permission of The Message Company at The International Conference on Science & Consciousness.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: Jean Shinoda Bolen, Deborah Koppel Mitchell