Journey of the Soul Across Lifetimes with Michael Lindemann

Death may come as a surprise to a young soul, and Michael Lindemann explains, in this interview with Regina Meredith, that this not an ending, but just the beginning of a long journey. Throughout its multiple-lifetime excursions, a soul is allowed to express itself in many different ways. But, this adventure is never a solitary venture as we all have many partners that we help and in turn assist us to navigate the journey of our soul across lifetimes.

Michael Lindemann is a board certified smoking cessation specialist, certified through the International Hypnosis Federation. He earned a degree in transpersonal psychology from Antioch University and trained in psychological counseling at Stanford University and the Psychosynthesis Institute of San Francisco. As a smoking cessation specialist he is certified in a proven hypnosis system that enables clients to become smoke-free in one session.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: Michael Lindemann