The Judgment Day Device

Preview What if the Ark of the Covenant was made by Moses to contain the tablets of the Law and other items? The popular conception of the Ark is that of a simple golden box. This view is incomplete as the box is actually one component of a larger, supernaturally powerful device. It is said to be the sign of Christ, the Messiah, and the Mahdi when a mysterious figure arrives to claim it. Many people await Jesus’ second coming, the initial arrival of the Messiah, or the coming of the 12th Imam. But why? When this figure arrives, a powerful device with an unearthly power is awaiting its discovery. This device could be some otherworldly ascension tool that can transmute flesh into light, making it the most coveted device in human history. Will this device bring Judgment Day or something else entirely? Follow investigative mythologist William Henry as he tries to unearth these ancient lost secrets.

Avec: William Henry