Kaia Ra: Wings Up! Embodying Your Angelic Light
Kaia Ra

Leading from the front lines of The Sophia Code® international movement, Kaia Ra shares important angelic lightbody activations and helpful guidance for embodying your Higher Self in 2019.

The year 2019 will be a pivotal year for Lightworkers around the world, in which the call to lead, to be fully seen, and to deeply serve humanity’s transformation will become an angelic mission of the highest order. In 2019, Kaia Ra will be focusing upon activating the angelic ray of humanity’s divinity, with a call from the highest realms to keep your angel wings up and your heart open as you lead.

Kaia Ra is the international bestselling author of The Sophia Code, a celebrated Divine Feminine teacher, and world-renowned Oracle for The Sophia Dragon Tribe®️. Surviving multiple near-death experiences, she was directly initiated by the Ascended Masters and Archangels since childhood for downloading ascension blueprints. Her artistry, live events, media appearances, and online broadcasts are hailed as the next-generation of revolutionary spiritual leadership

Présentateur: Kaia Ra