Lilou Talks with Gary Zukav
Lilou Mace

Lilou Mace, on her Juicy Living Tour USA, talks with Gary Zukov, author of The Seat of the Soul, about the heart of it all - choosing love. This is not a sentimental love, and not the love of when things are going the right way. It is the ability to live your life with an empowered heart, free from the attachment of outcome. This means you have the ability to choose love no matter what is going on inside or outside of you. When you do this, you are creating authentic power and an alignment of personality and the soul.

To do this, you need to learn about the frightened parts of your personality and confront them without engaging them. This is accomplished by working with yourself, with love, so that you can overcome self destructive behaviors. Simply know that the universe will support you, in all that you do, if you choose to learn love.

Présentateur: Lilou Mace
Avec: Gary Zukav