Live Forever or Die Trying with Bill Andrews and Molly Sheridan
Lisa Garr

Would you like to live forever? What does that really mean? It can mean to live a healthy life past 1,000 years old. Does that appeal to you? It does for Bill Andrews, a molecular biologist and athlete who is committed to “curing aging” by pushing the envelope. He wants to extend human longevity using regenerative medicine. His motto is, “Live forever…or die trying.” In this inspiring interview, Bill is joined by his wife, Molly Sheridan, also an ultra-marathoner, who is on this journey with Bill for life – however long it lasts.

Dr. Bill Andrews is the President and CEO of Sierra Sciences. As a scientist, athlete and executive, he continually pushes the envelope and challenges convention. In his 32-year biotech career, he has focused on finding ways to extend the human lifespan and health-span through telomere maintenance.

Molly Sheridan is an ultra-marathon runner, coach, public speaker, and author of Running Past Midnight. She is the CEO and Founder of Desert Sky Adventures, which organizes and manages race events ranging from a 5K run to ultra-marathons and includes coaching and training classes on exercise and nutrition.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Bill Andrews, Molly Sheridan