Maureen St. Germain: Tools to Anchor-In 5D
Maureen St. Germain

Discover ways you can anchor yourself into 5D, with minimal effort. Maybe you don’t know what you need to know about 5th dimension to make this real for you. Maybe you are not even clear about what the fifth dimension is!

The old paradigm of third dimension is only in place for those who still want to play in that arena. Some of you are playing by the old rules without realizing the game has changed. Players in the new game know how to maximize the new rules, so understanding and applying secrets makes it easy for you to switch.

Maureen St. Germain is the author of 2018’s best-selling book of the year, Waking Up in 5D. She is a highly acclaimed transformational teacher known for her ascension tools. Maureen guides you through some amazing exercises that will change your basic matrix to always wake up in 5D.

Présentateur: Maureen St. Germain