Mental Health and Medications with Dr. Peter Breggin

Every day, we learn a little more about the human brain. Each discovery brings new diagnoses and a plethora of drugs to treat them. However, the field of psychiatry harbors just as many demons as it purports to cure. Peter Breggin M.D. highlights many horrors from the history of psychiatry and presents a hard look into the unwanted side effects of overmedicating our society in this interview with George Noory.

The scientific and educational work of Peter R. Breggin, MD has provided a foundation for modern criticism of psychiatric drugs and ECT. His efforts have had a profound impact on reforming the mental health field by promoting more caring and effective therapies. He also acts as acts a medical expert in criminal, malpractice and product liability legal cases.

Présentateur: George Noory
Avec: Dr. Peter Breggin