The New Intimacy: Fair Fighting (Dr. James Sniechowski & Dr. Judith Sherven)
Corinne Edwards

Do you feel you have real intimacy in your marriage? Marriage is the process of bringing love into form, say Dr. Judith Sherven and Dr. James Sniechowski, international lecturers and co-authors of The New Intimacy: Discovering the Magic at the Heart of Your Differences. They reveal keys to assist couples with acknowledging and communicating their differences.

Often people enter relationship with unconscious fantasies of what it should be like or what their partner will be like. These are often extensions of their own view projected on or through which they interpret their partner. True intimacy, points out Dr. Sniechowski, is the compassion and understanding partners bring to creating a “we space” as a unique part of the relationship and their commitment to enlivening it for the good of the whole.

Présentateur: Corinne Edwards
Avec: Dr. James Sniechowski, Dr. Judith Sherven