The Occult: Bringing Your Will to the World with James Wasserman
Sean Stone

Public perceptions of occult practices have reaped a reputation full of malicious tidings which bode unfavorably to unsuspecting innocents. In some cases, this reputation is well earned. But, according to James Wasserman, magical workings ranging from the Templars to Aleister Crowley hold the secrets to unlocking the holiest of quests. Aspirants upon this journey seek occult secrets to learn how to look deep within and find a truth which transcends the limits of a reality created by others. These techniques can help you to take responsibility for fulfilling your own Will - which is the higher purpose that brought you into this world. Learn more in this interview with Sean Stone.

Jim Wasserman has played a key role in numerous publications of the literary corpus of the English philosopher, Aleister Crowley. Perhaps the most important includes his supervision of Weiser's 1976 edition of The Book of the Law.

Présentateur: Sean Stone
Avec: James Wasserman