Personality, Destiny and Astrology with Sandra-Leigh

Your personality is directly connected with your character and your character is what leads you to your destiny. Astrology, as a study of personality, really is a means of determining your destiny based upon the planetary patterns present at the moment of your birth. Sandra-Leigh explores the connection between personality, destiny and astrology by examining the charts of several famous people including Robin Williams, Elvis Presley and George Noory in this interview with George Noory.

Sandra-Leigh, President of the Rocky Mountain Astrologers (ROMA) in Boulder, Co, is a professional astrologer with a Master's Degree in Psychology. She has over 25 years experience with astrology and has worked with thousands of clients from all over the United States. Sandra-Leigh teaches, lectures, and makes media appearances and is certified by ISAR and AFA as a professional astrologer.

Présentateur: George Noory
Avec: Sandra-Leigh Serio