Psyched Out

A documentary exploring plant medicines and psychedelics, some of these plants and substances have been used for thousands of years as a healing modality and tool for spiritual connection.

After having a life-changing experience himself, Giovanni Bartolomeo sets out to speak with a wide spectrum of people including other psychedelic explorers, experts, doctors, facilitators, recovering addicts, and more in search of the truth.

On the journey, the questions started to mount, and the findings were not exactly what he was expecting.

Used for thousands of years as a healing modality and tool for spiritual connection, could this be the solution to many of the current physical and emotional ailments we as humans are suffering from today? Are we currently experiencing a psychedelic deficiency? Had we been 'psyched out' on their true nature and purpose?

Avec: Gabor Mate, Dennis Mckenna, Graham Hancock, Rick Doblin, Gerard Powell, Giovanni Bartolomeo, Richard Meech, Sergey Vasileu, Lisa Peller, Mee Ong, Elliott Hulse, Kasper Van Der Meulen