The Pursuit of Immortality with Jason Sussberg and David Alvarado
Lisa Garr

The Immortalists is a new movie about two eccentric scientists struggling to discover medical breakthroughs to create eternal youth. The film documents a fascinating community of scientists who look at the aging process as a disease. In this lively interview, the filmmakers Jason Sussberg and David Alvarado discuss how this film got made and why someone would want to live forever.

The Immortalists, now available on Gaia.

Jason Sussberg is an award-winning documentary filmmaker focused on BIG ideas on human progress and social justice.

David Alvarado is a cinematographer originally from Dallas, whose feature directorial debut, The Immortalists, was completed in 2014 and is now on the festival circuit.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Jason Sussberg, David Alvarado