Radiant Detox with Katrine Volynsky

Vibrant health begins with simple steps. Breathing cycles, quality of water and sun therapy are important components to staying alive in a toxic world. Knowing this, you now have the choice to just stay alive or to thrive. Katrine Volynsky survived massive amounts of radiation from Chernobyl by learning how to remove toxins from the body. She shares what she has learned about detoxing and promoting vibrant health.

Katrine Volynsky, author of Staying Alive in A Toxic World, is a sports nutritionist, wellness coach and heavy metals detoxification specialist. After being negatively affected by radiation fallout from Chernobyl, she had to find her own path to health and gained a wide knowledge of natural methods for detoxifying and rebuilding the body. Now, she helps individuals achieve their health goals through a combination of state-of-the-art technology, nutrition and holistic healing.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: Katrine Volynsky