Releasing the Heart Wall

Scientists now believe that the heart is a second brain. It is the part of you that holds your creativity and your best ideas. It’s the source of love and romance, and really the core of your being. This is what the ancient people believed about the heart, and for the first time, with the tools we have today, we’re finding out the ancient people were right. The heart is the key to love and happiness.

Dr. Bradley Nelson guides viewers on how to cope with all the negative energy and emotional trauma of a broken heart. When you experience what we call heartbreak several times, your subconscious mind may put up a wall around your heart — a wall made up of layers of your emotional baggage and feelings of isolation. Find out if you have a Heart Wall, and how to release those trapped emotions that make up the energy that creates a Heart Wall around you. When you let go of the negative emotions and your own Heart Wall is taken down, your ability to find love and to receive love can be vastly improved.

When you experience what we call heartbreak several times, your subconscious mind may put up a wall around your heart — a wall made up of layers of your emotional baggage. Find out if you have a Heart Wall, and how to release those emotions that make up the energy that creates a Heart Wall around you. When the Heart Wall is taken down, your ability to love and to receive love can be vastly improved.

Avec: Bradley Nelson