Russia’s Astrological Karma
Robert Phoenix

Russia has long been a land of intrigue and obscurity, especially when it comes to politics and social order. This was still true when Russia reinvented itself in 1991 and when the charismatic Vladimir Putin rose to power in 1999. Plus their Astrological charts indicate that their destinies are inexplicably intertwined.

While the Motherland yearns for the future, ghosts from its past continue to resurface; serving as a reminder that unfinished business must be settled. These internal and external conflicts will continue to shape perceptions of Russia’s identity in ways we cannot yet imagine. 2014 appears to be a transformative year for Russia with the coming Olympics and the arrival of a Cardinal Cross in April.

Robert Phoenix explains what we can expect for Russia in the coming years as its Aquarian karma continues to clash with its Capricorn destiny.

Présentateur: Robert Phoenix