Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health

Ancient wisdom cultures know that a profoundly felt connection to God and higher spirits is intimately tied to well-being for both individuals and the community. Our modern culture generally pushes this notion away as superstition or backwards thinking. However, a fifth of Brazilians use Brazil’s more than twelve thousand Spiritist Community Centers and fifty Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals for a type of health management that includes spiritual therapies that spring from profound connection to God and higher spirits.

This film reveals the Spiritist way of healthcare. It’s a model of how to more fully bring spiritual therapies into modern healthcare. It invites you to witness the path of healing that has developed in Brazil over more than 150 years — a way of life that grew out of Spiritualism in France. You see Spiritist Centers in Brazil where psychic mediums, medical intuitives, and healers work alongside medical doctors and psychologists to enhance in-depth, effective diagnosis and treatment. This collaboration is respectful, and not hierarchical. You watch the mediums and healers use specific Spiritist therapies that help people heal from mental and physical illnesses, and enhance spiritual growth.

Avec: Emma Bragdon, Daniel Benor, Vlademir Lisso, Johann Grobler, Jussara Korngold, Jorge Daher