The Lion People and the Lion’s Gate
William Henry

AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME When Sirius rises in the sky on August 8 (8/8), it opens the Lion’s Gate Portal, bathing the Earth in life-giving creative energy. Enjoy this Gaia+ exclusive for the month of August, and unlock the power of our spiritual sun.

Author William Henry presents this unique and astounding tour de force of history, mythology, and art to reveal the hidden legacy of ancient lion beings and the extraordinary message they have for us today. For thousands of years and in many cultures, stories have been told of a mysterious divine race of Lion People, and some claim they came through the Lion's Gate from another world and another time. They are portrayed as leaders and protectors of humanity and have a history that pre-dates the Flood. They may even have had a hand in humanity's creation and evolution. Who are these ancient leonid beings? Are they actually half human, half lion? And what message is waiting for us in ancient Egypt?

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Présentateur: William Henry