Time Portals in the American Southwest with Jerry Wills

We continue our exploration of anomalous features of the American Southwest with Jerry Wills. This time we look into the strange phenomena of rock arches which work like time portals. As he points out, there are so many stories with striking similarities that we should no longer call them anomalies. Rather, it is an opportunity to look deeper into our true history. Join him in this interview with Regina Meredith.

As a child, Jerry Wills was aware of energy and how it moved through all things. Like most children, he had to learn to keep his unique gifts to himself. That is until a near death experience in 1981 showed him how he was wasting his life and that he was being given a second chance. It took another 20 years for his abilities to be recognized and accepted. Now, people seek him out as he offers healing, classes, lectures and seeks to help others around the world.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: Jerry Wills