Transcending Victimhood
Michael Beckwith

Gaia is proud to present this GaiaSphere event available for Gaia+ Members.

During our sojourn on planet earth, we have been imprinted by family environment, the social milieu, religiosity, miseducation, the tyranny of trends, superstitions, limited interpretations of past experiences, seeming abuses, and more. Often when not neutralized, these imprints become an aspect of our personal law. To transcend these hindrances, we must forgive and ultimately release them. Michael Beckwith will elucidate on how these vibrational obstructions impact our perception and our life experiences. He will then assist us in dissolving these impediments through intention and forgiveness. Remember, this gathering will be not only inspirational, but transformational in nature.

Présentateur: Michael Beckwith