Transform Expectations & Triggers
Sah D'Simone

How do we navigate feelings of rage? Learn to work anger out of the body and release the expectations and triggers caused by unresolved reactive patterns. Discover the profound shifts that can occur when you embrace and process the full spectrum of your emotions.

In this lesson, you will dive into: ✓ Acknowledging and letting go of the emotional weight that may hinder your well-being by uncovering pent-up anger stemming from unmet expectations, disappointments, and unresolved needs. ✓ Cleansing, purify, and make room for a greater influx of love and compassion in your life by clearing the pathways of your emotional reservoir to create space for more love. ✓ Challenging and rewriting the narrative that labels anger as inherently "bad." by hearing insights into the constructive aspects of this big emotion.

Transform the energy of anger into a catalyst for growth and understanding.

Home play: • Write about your relationship with anger, especially what you believe about it. What do you notice you do when you’re angry and how willing are you to heal it?

Présentateur: Sah D'Simone