Van Eyck and the Mystic Lamb
Clare and William Henry

Jan van Eyck is one of the most significant painters of the 15th century. His techniques were revolutionary and his illumined visions inspired centuries of aspiring artists. The pinnacle of his achievements is the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Coveted by powerful leaders and admired for centuries by aspiring artists, this work has already transformed humanity.

Many believe that its fourteen panels contain the secrets of human transfiguration and serves as a map to the lost Arma Christi. As the altarpiece in the Saint Bavo Cathedral in Ghent, Belgium, it draws the viewer in to become a part of the sacred proceedings in order to discover its powerful secrets. To uncover these secrets, Clare and William Henry guide us through the history and works of Jan van Eyck, to reveal its arcanum of ascension and the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant.

Présentateur: Clare and William Henry