You’re Invited to Join Gaia!
Watch. Transform. Belong.
We’re dedicated to finding and creating informative and enlightening films, original shows, classes, and articles that aren’t available through mainstream media.
Discover what Gaia has to offer.
What do We Offer?
Gaia Pricing
Gaia offers a variety of plans to give you access to transformational documentaries, films, and original series that support your spiritual growth and wellness.
Gaia allows you to add up to two additional profiles per subscription offering personalized playlists, watch history, language preferences, notifications, and recommendations from Gaia. Learn more about sharing Gaia.
payment option that fits. You can easily change your plan or cancel at any time.
today and choose theGaia’s streaming service is available on all your favorite devices, including a mobile app for iPhone and Android.
Is Gaia free?
Monthly and Annual Gaia plans include a 7-day free trial for new users before being charged.
How much is Gaia per month?
Gaia’s pricing plans include three membership packages: Monthly, Annual, and our Gaia+ premium plan.
Monthly plan: undefined
Billed automatically each month on the day you start your Gaia membership
Annual plan: undefined
Billed once automatically on an annual basis starting the day you begin your membership
Gaia+ plan: undefined
Billed once automatically on an annual basis starting the day you begin your membership
Gaia Subscription Plans
Gaia Monthly plan includes:
- 7-day free trial
- Unlimited access to Gaia's 8000+ titles
- Cancel anytime
- Watch on your laptop, TV, phone, and tablet
Gaia Annual plan includes:
- Save NaN% compared to the monthly plan
- 7-day free trial
- Unlimited access to Gaia's 8000+ titles
- Cancel anytime
- Watch on your laptop, TV, phone, and tablet
- Bonus eBook content
Gaia+ includes:
- Unlimited access to Gaia's 8000+ titles
- Cancel anytime
- Watch on your laptop, TV, phone, and tablet
- Bonus eBook content
- Livestream GaiaSphere events & watch past events anytime
- Chat with members during live events. Participate in Q&A with event speakers.
- Transform with practical, step-by-step Guides