7 Day Meditation Program
with Dr Joe Dispenza
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 1
Room for the Unknown: Break free of the past by connecting with new thoughts and feelings in the present moment with Dr Joe Dispenza in this guided meditation.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 2
Enter the realm of the unknown where you become “no body and no thing” which allows you to create directly from the quantum field of possibilities in this guided meditation with Dr Joe Dispenza.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 3
Practice combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion so you can experience a new reality where your desires can flow to you during this guided meditation with Dr Joe Dispenza.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 4
Experience the shift from 3D duality to 5D unity by getting in touch with your future self who is capable of tuning in to infinite dimensions, frequencies, and possibilities during this guided meditation with Dr Joe Dispenza.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 5
Memorize the feeling of being outside of the box of past, unconscious programming by holding a clear intention with an elevated emotion during this guided meditation with Dr Joe Dispenza.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 6
Activate your pineal gland (energy center six) to bypass the analytical mind and access a state of suggestibility where you can encode the future you desire in this guided meditation with Dr.Joe Dispenza.
Becoming Supernatural
Meditation 7
In this hour-long kaleidoscope meditation, Dr Joe Dispenza guides you through a relaxing pineal gland activation and into a receptive gamma brain wave state where anything is possible.