
Escape the Matrix with David Icke

Escape the Matrix with David Icke

You cannot escape the matrix unless you know you are in it. Join David Icke as he unravels the nature of the reality that we have been taught to believe is truth, through a lifetime of deep programming. For the past 30 years, he has been compiling information across a vast range of subjects and connecting them in a way which gives us a clearer picture of our reality. By connecting the dots between major world events, he provides us a clearer context to better understand the simulated reality that we have been living in. Learn how we have been led to believe in this illusion, and the ways we can shift our perceptions to finally be free from this control.

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About David Icke

David Icke has been writing for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would have control of the rest of humanity through the tools of finance, government, media, and a military-police. He has said that “physical” reality is an illusion, and what we think is the “world” is a holographic simulation or “Matrix” created to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude.

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