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Introduction to Rewired

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You are not hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life, nor are you doomed by your genes. In this 13-episode series, Dr Joe Dispenza brings together his many years of research into the brain and human biology to present the latest findings on what is humanly possible to create massive transformation in our lives.

In this series, you will learn how to:

  • Change your body and your world by thought alone
  • Break out of the loop of redundant thinking, and train the body and mind into coherence
  • Unleash the formula for reprogramming your genetic destiny
  • Become a creator of reality instead of being a victim to your life

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 1.

Introduction to Your Brain

You have the capability of becoming supernatural, which means being able to improve your well-being and your world by rewiring your brain. Dr Joe Dispenza reveals the formula for reprogramming your brain and changing your life.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Understand the three interconnected parts of the brain and how they relate to your thoughts, experiences, and emotions
  • Push past limiting beliefs to have a profound effect on your brain, body, and life
  • Embrace your innate potential to heal yourself, despite your genetics
  • Go beyond your current personality and emotional states in order to create a new personal reality

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 2.

What Is Change?

How can we move past the pain of yesterday and into the joys of a new future? By breaking the habits of the old self and creating a new self. Dr Joe Dispenza explains how we can break out of the loop of redundant thinking, as the body can get stuck in the emotions of the past.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Start feeling the emotions you want in your life now, instead of waiting for external events
  • Break habits of the old self and create new patterns for the new self
  • Cross the river of change, stepping into uncertainty and unfamiliarity
  • Believe in a future that feels so real that you start living as if that future is happening now

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 3.

Demystifying Meditation

Dr Joe Dispenza offers a new scientific view of meditation as a means for transcending the body, environment and time, to reach the sweet spot of being in the present moment. We may not be fully aware of the things we think and feel every day. But they control everything we do and experience.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Understand meditation scientifically and use it to transcend the body, environment, and time to reach the present moment
  • Focus on demystifying meditation to help understand the process of becoming supernatural and getting past the analytical mind
  • Reframe your perspective on meditation to become more conscious of your thoughts and learn to observe rather than react
  • Train the body to stay present during meditation to achieve energy liberation, useful for healing and creating a new future

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 4.

Survival vs. Creation

It is possible to overcome the negative consequences of chronic stress. Dr Joe Dispenza gives us deeper insights into what stress really is and how its long-term effects can take its toll on the body and being.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • See beyond your immediate environment and three-dimensional reality
  • Recognize and manage emotional reactions and shift to creating brain-body coherence to heal physical ailments
  • Handle the negative impact of chronic stress on the brain and body
  • Move away from the state of constant emergency and narrow focus to a more expansive, creative state of being.

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 5.

Changing Your Brainwaves

Dr Joe Dispenza unleashes the formula for creating a more coherent, integrated, and synchronized brainwave state so that you can affect your ability to reprogram your genetic destiny.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Move beyond your analytical minds, leading to more coherent and synchronized brain activity
  • Merge the conscious and subconscious minds to regulate hormones and bodily functions, leading to increased order and balance
  • Shift focus from matter to the invisible energy field (quantum field) to tap into a frequency that connects and organizes everything
  • Understand and manage brainwave patterns through methods like meditation and broadening one’s focus to improve brain coherence and overall well-being

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 6.

Reprogramming Your Genes

According to Dr Joe Dispenza, people have the supernatural ability to reprogram their genes at will. Dispenza introduces us to the science of Epigenetics, which has proven that emotional states affect gene expression.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Change your internal state through profound experiences and meditation to influence biological processes, including the lengthening of telomeres
  • Overcome past traumas and modify their gene expression for better health outcomes
  • Use emotional experiences to change brain structures and neurochemistry, effectively modifying gene expression
  • Use meditation to reverse some aspects of biological aging

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 7.

Healing Power of Alignment

Your nervous system can be the greatest pharmacy of all, it just needs the right prompts. Much of what we have been conditioned to believe about health is that we need something external to return our bodies to a healthy state. Dr Joe Dispenza makes use of the placebo effect to show that the mind is the most important element in the health of the body.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Change your brain energy levels through thought alone, without external substances
  • Use regular meditation to help maintain a changed state of being and be greater than your environment
  • How to make decisions with a genuine intention to change, ensuring the body and mind know you’re serious about transformation
  • Use your mind to harness positive change in your life

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 8.

Building Quantum Coherence

Dr Joe Dispenza introduces us to the quantum reality model, where our thoughts can directly affect matter. He cautions us that we cannot interact with this world with our senses. Rather we must let go of the analytical mind and move into a state of pure consciousness, where we can connect with the quantum unified field.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Move from a narrow focus on material objects to a broad one on energy or non-material entities to change brainwaves
  • Disconnect from the known reality, memories, identities, and fall into the eternal now where all possibilities exist
  • Open your heart to create a resonant magnetic field
  • Connect to the quantum field and manifest your desires effectively

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 9.

Creating with the Field

Achieve a coherent brain and coherent heart to move beyond your existence in a physical realm, as experienced by the senses. Dr Joe Dispenza reveals the secret to transcending spacetime and move into time-space. A realm that is one long present moment that can only be perceived with consciousness.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Transition to the immaterial world of anti-matter and the quantum world, bringing unlimited possibilities
  • Embrace unity, oneness, wholeness, and non-locality, where there’s no material aspect
  • Move beyond the constraints of past and future, and into the eternal present moment, enables boundless possibilities
  • Achieve coherence in both the brain and heart creating a powerful signal that can shape reality

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 10.

Pineal Gland and the Quantum Field

A single out of body experience or mystical moment will change your worldview, forever. Dr Joe Dispenza outlines the steps we can take to explore the transcendental world that exists beyond the senses, by tapping into the power of the pineal gland.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Recognize that the pineal gland’s microcrystals might be responsible for an electromechanical biological transduction mechanism due to their Piezoelectric properties
  • Recognize the body as a magnet with a north pole and south pole to help provide insight into the electromagnetic field around us
  • Use techniques such as specific breathwork and muscle contractions to increase the movement of cerebrospinal fluid and energize the brain
  • Use methods to potentially harness this ability of the pineal gland through breathing and muscle contractions

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 11.

Transcendence and the Pineal Gland

We have already learned about the different states of consciousness, brain wave states, and the role of the pineal. Now, Dr Joe Dispenza explains how the work we are doing to create coherence in the brain and heart translates into reaching moments of transcendence.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Recognize that the pineal gland, when activated, can decode complex geometric patterns and interpret them
  • Use meditation to achieve higher coherence in the brain and tap into one can tap into gamma brainwave patterns, leading to profound inner experiences
  • Achieve higher amplitudes and energy in the brain to help lead to more coherent and organized frequencies, resulting in profound effects on your physical and emotional state
  • Heal ailments using new and coherent frequencies

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 12.

Shifting into Time-Space

Synchronizing the heart and brain will help you be better at managing your energy. Dr Joe Dispenza explains how we can change from a narrow focus, where our attention is on the material world, where we experience separation, to a divergent focus where we can create heart and brain coherence.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Achieve theta brainwave patterns to help in synchronizing every compartment of your brain, resulting in a more integrated state
  • Focus on the heart and cultivate emotions like gratitude, appreciation, love, and joy to create a coherent heart rhythm
  • Slow down your breathing to switch the body from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Cultivate heart coherence and positive emotions for holistic well-being

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Episode 13.

Blessing of the Energy Centers

Dr Joe Dispenza walks us through a meditation he calls, the Blessing of the Energy Centers. It is a way we can tune into our own energy by creating coherence in each of the chakras to improve well-being. He explains that these points in the body are much more than chakras.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Focus attention on the energy field around the body to expand it
  • Understand and reprogram your energy centers to notice significant positive changes in health and life
  • Use meditation to harness your mind’s power and positively influence your energy fields
  • Manage your energy to achieve balance, health, and well-being

If you love Rewired, then you are going to love the Gaia Annual Membership.

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Free & Live June 15 – 26, 2024

13 Episodes

EP 01, Introduction to Your Brain

You have the capability of becoming supernatural, which means being able to “change your body by thought alone.” Dr Joe Dispenza reveals the formula for reprogramming your brain and changing your life. He explains that we are not hardwired to be a certain way for the entirety of our lives.

EP 02, What Is Change?

Dr Joe Dispenza explains how we can break out of the loop of redundant thinking, as the body can get stuck in the emotions of the past. By teaching the body what a new future feels like, it learns how to let go of pain from the past and start living in a more positive future.

EP 03, Demystifying Meditation

When we move into meditation, the veil between the conscious and subconscious minds drops, allowing us to become aware of our automatic thoughts and behaviors, enabling change. Learn how to train your body and mind into coherence, giving you energy to create a new future.

EP 04, Survival vs. Creation

Dr Joe Dispenza gives us deeper insights into stress and how its long-term effects can take its toll on the body. Learn how to shift your body from the sympathetic nervous system (and the fight & flight response) to the parasympathetic, which brings calm & relaxed states.

EP 05, Changing Your Brainwaves

Dr Joe Dispenza unleashes the formula for creating a more coherent, integrated, and synchronized brainwave state that helps you reprogram your genetic destiny. Learn simple ways to move beyond the self and the physical world to an experience beyond your known reality and into the eternal now.

EP 06, Reprogramming Your Genes

Dr Joe Dispenza reveals how you can create an inner experience with enough power to make changes within the body and override toxic signals from the environment. In essence, you become your own genetic code engineer by replicating these experiences.

EP 07, Healing Power of Alignment

Your nervous system can be the greatest pharmacy of all; it just needs the right prompts. Dr Joe Dispenza reveals that the mind is the most important element in the health of the body and shares how to create alignment between thoughts and feelings that can have dramatic healing effects.

EP 08, Building Quantum Coherence

Dr Joe Dispenza introduces us to the quantum reality model, where our thoughts can directly affect matter. Learn how to let go of the analytical mind and move into a state of pure consciousness, where you can connect with the quantum unified field and create your new reality.

EP 09, Creating with the Field

Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals the secret to transcending spacetime and moving into the realm of time-space, where all possibilities exist. You can experience oneness and the wholeness of all existence. Learn how to create from the field and no longer play by the rules of 3D reality.

EP 10, Pineal Gland & the Quantum Field

A single out-of-body experience or mystical moment will change your worldview forever. Dr Joe Dispenza reveals the piezoelectric effect on the crystals in the pineal gland that can be activated to pick up signals from the quantum field. Learn how to tap into this gland and explore beyond your senses.

EP 11, Transcendence & the Pineal

How can the pineal gland induce a transcendental experience? Diving deeper into the brain and the neurochemistry that creates transcendental experiences, Dr Joe Dispenza explains how creating coherence in the brain and heart translates into reaching moments of transcendence.

EP 12, Shifting into Time-Space

Learn how to change from a narrow focus, where our attention is on the material world (and we experience separation), to a divergent focus, where we can create heart and brain coherence. Discover actual brain scans of people who are in the act of shifting from spacetime into time-space.

EP 13, Blessing of the Energy Centers

Dr Joe Dispenza describes the meditation he calls “Blessing of the Energy Centers,” explaining that each chakra has its own consciousness and individual, little brain. When we harmonize these centers, they can begin sending coherent messages to all the cells, tissues, and organs of our bodies.