Asiana Harper
Asiana is honored to be on the planet at this time, journeying in this body, mind, and spirit template - offering support to others in clarifying more ease, harmony, and balance in their lives.
She has always been intrigued by the elements and how they interact in body, on earth. Growing up in the mountains of Colorado with wilderness as her backyard, she spent much of her childhood climbing trees, sitting in caves, adventuring with the animals in the forest. All engaging her curiosity and quietude. These experiences brought her into the practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, which facilitate a deepening into the present moment.
She received certifications as a Core Synchronism Therapist, Ayurvedic Consultant, Massage Therapist, and Yoga Instructor after studying at the Ayurvedic Institute and the School of Natural Therapeutics, in Albuquerque, NM. Additional training in India and South East Asia deepened explorations in the technology of meditation. She is also trained in Neurosculpting®, a whole-brain approach priming the pathways to the prefrontal cortex through neuroplasticity, supporting greater access to our highest potential.
May we realize our greatest vitality and live life from here.
5 classes found