Freddy Silva

Freddy Silva

A bestselling author and leading researcher of alternative history, Freddy Silva is a world renowned expert on crop circles and sacred sites.

A pioneer in the research of the interaction between temples and consciousness, Silva is the author of the bestseller "Secrets in the Fields," and director of several documentaries. While lecturing internationally, he was described as "perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now."

He has given keynote presentations at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, and the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, in addition to appearances on The History Channel, Discovery Channel, BBC, and numerous video documentaries available on Gaia.

58 videos found

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries
Gaia News
New evidence of the roots of ancient Mayan civilization in Mexico is currently being revealed by archaeological laser mapping. Experts discuss the findings.
Mystery of the Templars
Open Minds
The origin of Knights Templar has both political intrigue and mystery.
Freddy Silva on Crop Circles
Conscious Media Network
Freddy Silva is considered to be one of the top researches in the arena of crop circle phenomena. After watching this interview, I doubt there will be anyone who could say this is the subject of hallucination or fantasy, there is just too much information documented to disprove them.
The Lost Art of Resurrection with Freddy Silva
Open Minds
The secrets underlying the ultimate transformation are now ready to be revealed. Freddy Silva explains the ancient secrets of resurrection as whispered by many mystery schools from times of old and into their modern day teachings.