George Noory

George Noory

George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.

500 videos found

Cancer: Step Outside the Box with Ty Bollinger
Beyond Belief
Ty Bolliger, espouses looking beyond established medical practices by exploring the benefits of natural foods, nutritional supplements and positive thinking as ways to stay healthy in hopes of staving off cancer.
The Esoteric Napoleon with Walter Bosley
Beyond Belief
What secrets did Napoleon Bonaparte discover in his exploration of sacred places during his conquests? Walter Bosley has dug into the esoteric history of the emperor of France to discover why he was so interested in the lost history of ancient Earth.
The Great Pyramid: Power Plant of Giza with Christopher Dunn
Beyond Belief
Was the great pyramid of Giza built with the precision of a machine, using power tools? If so, where did the power come from?
Unraveling the Greatest Mysteries with Gregg Braden
Beyond Belief
Who are we and how we got here are two of the biggest existential questions that continue to elude even the most brilliant of thinkers. Gregg Braden explains the importance of crossing science with ancient teachings in order to truly unravel our greatest existential mysteries.
Rise of the Spiritual Warrior with Bill Bean
Beyond Belief
As a child, Bill Bean’s family was ripped apart when it was attacked by demonic forces. A chance encounter empowered him and gave him the faith needed to engage in spiritual warfare and conquer the dark force destroying his family.
The Mojave Abduction Incident with Ron Felber
Beyond Belief
Ron Felber recounts the tale of a young couple vacationing deep in the Mojave desert where they endured psychological torment at the hands of extraterrestrial captors. After which, they were given a strange and dire warning about the end of our universe.
Stranger in the Pentagon with Craig Campobasso
Beyond Belief
Valiant Thor, an off-world visitor who came to the Pentagon in 1957, holds a higher perspectives of humanity, as explained by filmmaker Craig Campobasso. Unlike many other extraterrestrials visiting our planet, Valiant Thor was very photogenic and not camera shy.
Changing the Culture of Dying with Jessica Zitter
Beyond Belief
Rethink end of life care with Dr. Jessica Zitter who offers four ways to shift the culture of palliative care.
Changing Timelines with Bruce Goldberg
Beyond Belief
You may be familiar with out of body states used for past life regressions and future life progressions. What if you never had to leave your body to have the same experiences? Bruce Goldberg explains how.
Accepting Miraculous Change
Beyond Belief
In this inspiring conversation, Dr. Harley Rotbart describes his views of good and evil, his personal spiritual journey, and how we can change our perspective to find the capacity for miracles in adversity.
Dark Forces of the Psychic Realm with Victor Paruta
Beyond Belief
Some people are more sensitive to psychic energy than others, and we can all learn to detect it. This energy is mostly positive, but it does have a negative dark side. Victor Paruta has encountered these negative forces many times and knows how you can clear and protect yourself from them.
Psychic Readings: What's in the Cards? with Joseph Jacobs
Beyond Belief
The future is a mysterious place full of endless possibilities. Fortunately for us, some people have the intuition and tools, such as cards and astrology, to reveal the light of what has yet to come. Joseph Jacobs, called the psychic to the psychics, explains psychic readings and shares his insights for the year ahead.
A New 20 & Back Whistleblower
Beyond Belief
Jason Rice is a veteran of the 20 & Back program which has sent many unsuspecting “volunteers” on a shocking tour of duty through the cosmos. Much of what he brings forward corroborates the testimonies of several other SSP whistleblowers.
Shroud of Turin: Secrets Revealed with Barrie Schwortz
Beyond Belief
No other piece of Christian history has stirred more controversy than the Shroud of Turin. Though it is the single most studied artifact in human history, its origins remain a mystery. Barrie Schwortz, the original documenting photographer of the Shroud of Turin, reveals the secrets he has discovered.
Bringing Mars to Life with Robert Zubrin
Beyond Belief
What will it take to start a new space race which will bring humans to Mars? Despite the struggle to find our footing as we step out into space, Robert Zubrin is confident that one day we will not just bring life to mars, but we will bring mars to life.
Where is Flight MH370? with Jim Sanders
Beyond Belief
March 8, 2014, flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing, China. Less than two hours later, it disappeared never to return. Jim Sanders addresses various theories put forth concerning the disappearance of Flight MH370 and offers what he considers to be the most likely scenario.
Draconian Legacy of the Annunaki with Michael Tellinger
Beyond Belief
Artifacts reveal that Earth's first civilization had an advanced technology which was used to build great stone circles as well as the political structures that would enslave mankind for centuries. Michael Tellinger reveals his research into the Annunaki and explains how we can break free from their draconian legacy.
Lloyd Pye on History and the Alien Skull
Beyond Belief
Can one unusual skull prove the existence of aliens on earth? Researcher Lloyd Pye shares his remarkable findings.