Jodi Komitor

Jodi Komitor

Jodi Komitor is the founder of Next Generation Yoga, one of the first children's yoga studios in the world, and is considered a leading authority on yoga for kids. Jodi has certified thousands of kids' yoga instructors and is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga with Kids.

  • Kids
  • Level 1
  • 15 Minutes
  • 10 Minutes
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  • Kids
  • Level 1
  • 15 Minutes
  • 10 Minutes

    8 classes found

    Bonus: Space Balance Balls
    Yoga for Kids: Outer Space Blastoff
    A fun class for kids to explore their balance while pretending to be in outer space.
    Out of This World
    Yoga for Kids: Outer Space Blastoff
    Kids who do yoga are out of this world! In this segment of Outer Space Blastoff, Jodi Komitor leads a variety of self-affirmations that align with awe-inspiring objects of outer space. Objects include the Hubble Space Telescope, the Sun, and the Moon.
    Outer Space Blastoff
    Yoga for Kids: Outer Space Blastoff
    In the first segment of Outer Space Blastoff with Jodi Komitor, it is launch time - so put on your space suit! Prepare to blast off into outer space for the ultimate cosmic adventure.
    Solar System Yoga
    Yoga for Kids: Outer Space Blastoff
    In the second segment of Outer Space Blastoff Jodi Komitor takes you on a visit to all the planets of the solar system. Twist, wiggle, and stretch yourself all the way from Mercury to the dwarf planet of Pluto.
    Dino Dig
    Yoga for Kids: Dino-Mite Adventure
    In the third segment of Dino-Mite Adventure with Jodi Komitor, you will join a team of Paleontologists to hunt for fossils.
    Bonus: Dino Duo
    Yoga for Kids: Dino-Mite Adventure
    In the fourth and final segment of Dino-Mite Adventure with Jodi Komitor, it is time to partner up!
    Dino-Mite Yoga
    Yoga for Kids: Dino-Mite Adventure
    In the second segment of Dino-Mite Adventure with Jodi Komitor, kids will learn about and transform into the many dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era.
    Baby Brontosaurus
    Yoga for Kids: Dino-Mite Adventure
    In the first segment of Jodi Komitor's Dino-Mite Adventure series your little ones will transform into a baby Brontosaurus that roamed the Earth millions of years ago.