1 Season . 16 Episodes TV-PG

With this special series, we give you a glimpse into some of the most pertinent topics that affect our world, today. No matter your interest, we have what you seek in microdoses: big ideas in bite-size pieces.

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Microdose (Preview)

Here at Gaia, we have so much to offer that it can be easy to get lost in all of it.

With this special series, we give you a glimpse into some of the most pertinent topics that affect our world, today.

From Chemtrails to free energy and the secret space program, you are invited to examine the evidence presented by insiders.

We also explore the deeper mysteries such as astral projection, lucid dreaming, and psychic powers; giving you what you need to start exploring, today.

No matter your interest, we have what you seek in microdoses: big ideas in bite-size pieces.

Featuring: Theresa Bullard, Sean Stone, Lisa Garr, Regina Meredith, Jason Quitt, William Buhlman, Luis Minero, Matias De Stefano, Sue Morter, Cyndi Dale, Christopher Hareesh, Deborah King, Shamini Jane, Sharon Schloss, Scott Stephens, Dane Wigington, Michael Murphy, Nassim Haramein, Dr. Steven M. Greer M.D., Jay Weidner, Emery Smith, John Lear, Brian O’leary, David Jay Brown, Charlie Morley, Jared Zeizel, Robert Moss, Uri Geller, George Noory, Angela Thomas, Russel Targ, Ed Dames, Marla Frees, Jason Rice, Nick Redfern, Catherine Austin Fitts, Nick Pope,, Roberta Grimes, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Eben Alexander, Lisa Smartt, Joe Dispenza, Lauren Cielo, Ben Lee, Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna, Rick Strassman, William Henry, Bill Foss, Kelly S. Jones, Jason Louv, Fiona Horne, Chris Atwood, Patti Negri, Kaedrich Olsen, Mitch Horowitz, Tom Hatsis, Radleigh Valentine, Marilyn Schlitz, Linda Backman
Audio Languages: English, Spanish, German, French
Subtitles: English, Spanish, German, French
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Theresa Bullard, Sean Stone, Lisa Garr, Regina Meredith, Jason Quitt, William Buhlman, Luis Minero
Are you ready to get out of your body and explore other realms through astral travel? Our intrepid explorers of consciousness present you with a microdose of tips and techniques for safe astral projection.
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Regina Meredith, Matias De Stefano, Sue Morter, Lisa Garr, Cyndi Dale, Christopher Hareesh, Deborah King, Shamini Jane
Chakras are like wheels of energy spinning within your soul. Get a microdose of the science behind chakras and how you can bring them into alignment for a healthier mind, body, and spirit.
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Sharon Schloss, Scott Stephens, Dane Wigington, Michael Murphy
Chemtrails or contrails? Conspiracy or coincidence? We invite you to examine this microdose of evidence as presented by experts in their fields. Is this all part of a major geoengineering scheme or is something else afoot?
9 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Nassim Haramein, Dr. Steven M. Greer M.D., Jay Weidner, Emery Smith, John Lear, Brian O’leary, Regina Meredith
Could free energy technology save our planet within one generation? If so, why are major institutions and the U.S. government suppressing this technology from the public?
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Regina Meredith, David Jay Brown, Charlie Morley, Jared Zeizel, Robert Moss
Can sleep be used as a spiritual practice? We consult with dream experts to get a micrdose of insight into the benefits of lucid dreaming. Get tips to learn how you can start lucid dreaming, tonight.
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Uri Geller, George Noory, Angela Thomas, Russel Targ, Ed Dames, Marla Frees
Do you have psychic powers? If so, how can you hone and develop your abilities? . Get a microdose from experts and psychics who weigh in on the things you can do to improve your own psychic abilities.
10 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jason Rice, Nick Redfern, Catherine Austin Fitts, Nick Pope,
The secret space program is a secret that will not stay hidden. Follow along, in microdoses, from the earliest days of space exploration, to secret technologies and the military advancement into deep space.
11 mins TV-PG
Featuring: George Noory, Regina Meredith, Roberta Grimes, Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Eben Alexander, Lisa Smartt
Are personal accounts of near-death experiences enough to prove that there is life after death? Get a microdose of insight from experts and those who have had their own brush with the afterlife.
10 mins TV-PG
Get a microdose into the world of channeling to discover how non-physical entities and interdimensional beings can communicate through a person. Learn of the potential dangers and profound benefits of this practice.
9 mins TV-PG
We hear so much about beings from beyond the stars. But what about beings from other dimensions? Tap into a microdose of interdimensional contact to find out what these beings are and what they are doing.
10 mins TV-PG
Get a microdose and explore the history of plant medicines, their mind-expanding qualities, how they affect the development of human consciousness, and what the future holds for the therapeutic use of psychoactive chemicals.
11 mins TV-PG
We have all marveled at the deep mystery of the great pyramids. Are they portals, power plants, or consciousness expanding? With this microdose of pyramid power we consult with the experts who bring to light their startling findings.
9 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Joe Dispenza, Lauren Cielo, Theresa Bullard, Ben Lee, Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna, Rick Strassman, William Henry
Get a microdose of techniques that can help you consciously activate your pineal gland and unlock your spiritual connection to the universe.
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Matias De Stefano, Bill Foss, Kelly S. Jones
Gain access to the Akashic Records, a universal database that holds a collection of all human events, thoughts and emotions throughout all of our past, present, and future.
11 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jason Louv, Fiona Horne, Chris Atwood, Patti Negri, Kaedrich Olsen, Mitch Horowitz, Tom Hatsis, Radleigh Valentine
Get a microdose of what is going on beyond the shroud of secrecy as we explore the history, misinformation, and the true goal of magick & the occult.
12 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Raymond Moody, Marilyn Schlitz, Linda Backman, Matias De Stefano
Do we finally have scientific proof of reincarnation? Now you can get a microdose of current studies into two forms of remembering past lives.