Stairway to the Stars
1 Season
. 39 Episodes
Step into the Stairway to the Stars event – a gathering where cosmic enthusiasts, seekers, and experts unite to reveal insights into global human origins, groundbreaking science, and ancient technology for our collective advancement.
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Stairway to the Stars
Step in an astral voyage at the "Stairway to the Stars" event – a gathering where cosmic enthusiasts, seekers, and experts unite to reveal insights into global human origins, groundbreaking science, and ancient technology for our collective advancement. Explore the universe and delve into its most profound mysteries!
Adam Apollo,
Sarah Breskman Cosme,
Jason Shurka,
Richard Dolan,
Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka,
Caroline Cory,
David Hatcher Childress,
Adam Curry,
Jason Quitt,
Daniel Sheehan,
Randall Carlson,
Julia Cannon,
Tracey Garbutt Dolan,
Timothy Hogan,
Scott Wolter,
William Henry
Audio Languages:
Stairway to the Stars - Season 1 Episodes
S1 E1 - The Ancient Mystery of Our Human Origins Part 1
50 minsFeaturing: Adam Apollo
Adam Apollo, speaking at the Stairway to the Stars event, unlocks clues from ancient megalithic sites all over the world. Could it be possible that advanced civilizations built these monuments to create a resonant energy field across the planet?
S1 E2 - The Ancient Mystery of Our Human Origins Part 2
29 minsFeaturing: Adam Apollo
In his continuing talk at the Stairways to the Stars event, Adam Apollo discusses the ancient technology used to create the precision found in ancient megalithic sites and why they are such powerful sources for downloads.
S1 E3 - The Ancient Mystery of Our Human Origins Part 3
31 minsFeaturing: Adam Apollo
In the third part of his presentation at Stairway to the Stars, Adam Apollo reveals that ancient cultures knew the physics of preserving advanced information in stone.
S1 E4 - ET Advice: Being Superhuman Part 1
40 minsFeaturing: Sarah Breskman Cosme
Could the key to unlocking superhuman potential reside deep within the subconscious mind? Sarah Breskman Cosme, Master Hypnotist shares messages from extraterrestrial beings that have come through her clients during hypnosis.
S1 E5 - ET Advice: Being Superhuman Part 2
42 minsFeaturing: Sarah Breskman Cosme
In the coming years, will humanity face three potential timelines with different outcomes? Sarah Breskman Cosme reveals principles we can use to shift our energies to move to a higher timeline.
S1 E6 - TLS, Intergalactic Unity & Disclosure Part 1
31 minsFeaturing: Jason Shurka
How can we individually contribute to disclosure and humanity’s quest for intergalactic unity? Jason Shurka explains that by learning to reach a new state of awareness and achieve a higher state of consciousness, we can enjoy intergalactic unity.
S1 E7 - TLS, Intergalactic Unity & Disclosure Part 2
22 minsFeaturing: Jason Shurka
Is there technology that can induce natural disasters? If so, who would benefit from them? Jason Shurka shares some of the technologies clandestine organizations use and why they control weather and natural disasters.
S1 E8 - TLS, Intergalactic Unity & Disclosure Part 3
26 minsFeaturing: Jason Shurka
What is the biggest threat facing our planet from extraterrestrial civilizations? Jason Shurka offers a fresh perspective on the development of otherworldly civilizations and the types of technology they possess.
S1 E9 - UAP Among a World in Revolution Part 1
38 minsFeaturing: Richard Dolan
Are we at the brink of a transhuman revolution? UFO historian Richard Dolan, speaking at the Stairways to the Stars event, shares why UAPs/ UFOs are garnering more public and official attention now more than ever.
S1 E10 - UAP Among a World in Revolution Part 2
50 minsFeaturing: Richard Dolan
What possible interest could ETs have with humanity? Richard Dolan continues his talk at the Stairway to the Stars event, and he shares staggering statistics highlighting the prevalence of UFO sightings and contact all over the world.
S1 E11 - In Two Worlds Part 1
30 minsFeaturing: Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka
Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, discusses the nature of different types of entities that exist in varying levels of dimensionality.
S1 E12 - In Two Worlds Part 2
30 minsFeaturing: Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka
In part 2 of Darryl Anka's channeling session with Bashar at Stairways to the Stars, Bashar continues by addressing questions from audience members.
S1 E13 - Communicate Telepathically - Part 1
32 minsFeaturing: Caroline Cory
Speaking at the Stairway to the Stars event, award-winning filmmaker and author Caroline Cory shares her first ET contact experience and instruction on how to communicate telepathically.
S1 E14 - Communicate Telepathically - Part 2
32 minsFeaturing: Caroline Cory
How can blocks to telepathy be cleared so that information can flow freely? Caroline Cory, continuing her presentation at the Stairway to the Stars event, explains that we all have the ability to be telepathic.
S1 E15 - Communicate Telepathically - Part 3
26 minsFeaturing: Caroline Cory
How do you access your higher self and spirit guides through telepathy? Caroline Cory concludes her presentation at the Stairway to the Stars event by offering a guided meditation to connect with your higher self and spirit guides through telepathy.
S1 E16 - Megaliths & Ancient Aliens - Part 1
49 minsFeaturing: David Hatcher Childress
At the Stairway to the Stars event, David Hatcher Childress shares tales of his perilous exploits, which include examples of impossible megalithic monuments including Baalbek, Machu Picchu, Tiwanaku, and the Serapeum.
S1 E17 - Megaliths & Ancient Aliens - Part 2
32 minsFeaturing: David Hatcher Childress
What is the connection between obelisks from the ancient world and the work of Nikola Tesla? David Hatcher Childress continues his talk at the Stairway to the Stars, exploring more ancient sites that defy the construction capabilities of modern know-how.
S1 E18 - Building a Psychic AI Machine
35 minsFeaturing: Adam Curry
Will there come a point when we will not be able to discern human-based communication from AI-generated messages? If so, how will humanity know when AI becomes conscious? Adam Curry sheds light on the major misconceptions and fears about AI.
S1 E19 - Hidden Keys to the Stars - Part 1
30 minsFeaturing: Jason Quitt
Decode the symbols left by ancient mystics to unlock profound hidden wisdom. Jason Quitt shares examples of ancient symbols embedded within astrotheology, the art of looking to the stars as a means of connecting with the divine.
S1 E20 - Hidden Keys to the Stars - Part 2
25 minsFeaturing: Jason Quitt
What is the solar code, and how is it the key to unlocking ancient esoteric secrets encoded in artworks and megalithic structures? Jason Quitt dives deep into solar symbolism that was important to many ancient cultures.
S1 E21 - Hidden Keys to the Stars - Part 3
34 minsFeaturing: Jason Quitt
How do the solar symbols encoded in artifacts found around the world and across the history of humanity hold the secrets to connecting with celestial divinity? Jason Quitt delves deeper into the solar code as found across the world in ancient times.
S1 E22 - DC UAP Disclosure Updates - Part 1
27 minsFeaturing: Daniel Sheehan
What do government officials have to gain from ET secrecy? Daniel Sheehan, speaking at the Stairway to the Stars event, gives his legal insider’s view of the careening Washington D.C. UAP Disclosure updates.
S1 E23 - DC UAP Disclosure Updates - Part 2
36 minsFeaturing: Daniel Sheehan
Despite the historic clampdown on information, why are there growing political movements pushing for disclosure? Daniel Sheehan explains that there is a growing inertia within the US government to finally reveal what is known to the rest of the world about UAPs.
S1 E24 - Cosmic Cycles & Geometry of Time - Part 1
31 minsFeaturing: Randall Carlson
If there is subversive control over the narrative of history, is it possible to decode important symbols from ancient cultures that could reveal the truth of humanity’s most distant past?
S1 E25 - Cosmic Cycles & Geometry of Time - Part 2
39 minsFeaturing: Randall Carlson
Since the dawn of Earth, alternating disasters of flood and fire have befallen our planet. Is it possible that geometry provides a way to predict when the next one could hit?
S1 E26 - Cosmic Cycles & Geometry of Time - Part 3
25 minsFeaturing: Randall Carlson
What can be learned from ancient civilizations that will assist in averting the impact of major catastrophes to come?
S1 E27 - Decode the Language of Your Body - Part 1
37 minsFeaturing: Julia Cannon
If the higher self is always available to you, how do you access this wisdom for healing and guidance?
S1 E28 - Decode the Language of Your Body - Part 2
28 minsFeaturing: Julia Cannon
When learning to listen to the subtle language of the body, what kind of healing is possible?
S1 E29 - Mysteries of Remote Viewing & Dreams - Part 1
32 minsFeaturing: Tracey Garbutt Dolan
How can humanity best prepare for a world we’ve yet to imagine fully? Tracey Garbutt Dolan, speaking at the Stairway to the Stars event, explains that humanity stands upon the precipice of an incredible time with AI.
S1 E30 - Mysteries of Remote Viewing & Dreams - Part 2
28 minsFeaturing: Tracey Garbutt Dolan
If the human brain is the ultimate quantum computer, what superpowers can it unlock? Tracey Garbutt Dolan, continuing her presentation at the Stairway to the Stars event, shares her experiences with remote viewing that changed her life.
S1 E31 - Mysteries of Remote Viewing & Dreams - Part 3
35 minsFeaturing: Tracey Garbutt Dolan
What are the techniques that open the door to different states of consciousness? Tracey Garbutt Dolan, concluding her talk at the Stairway to the Stars event, dives deeper into the importance of dreaming as a means to activate the human quantum computer.
S1 E32 - Ancient Alchemical Secrets - Part 1
39 minsFeaturing: Timothy Hogan
How is the Templar mission connected to ancient Egypt and Atlantis? Tim Hogan, speaking at the Stairway to the Stars event, reveals the Templar mission in Egypt, in the 12th century, to uncover evidence of ancient sophisticated cultures.
S1 E33 - Ancient Alchemical Secrets - Part 2
38 minsFeaturing: Timothy Hogan
How deep do the secrets of ancient Egypt’s connection with Atlantis and extraterrestrials go? Tim Hogan continues his discussion at the Stairway to the Stars event as he reveals the secrets of Elephantine Island in Egypt.
S1 E34 - Ancient Alchemical Secrets - Part 3
32 minsFeaturing: Timothy Hogan
How did the Knights Templar become guardians of ancient alchemical secrets? Tim Hogan concludes his presentation at the Stairway to the Stars event by discussing alchemical processes and the creation of “white cake” in a secret chamber in Abydos.
S1 E35 - Cryptograms & Esoterica - Part 1
47 minsFeaturing: Scott Wolter
The Kensington Runestone found in Minnesota has been a controversial topic since its discovery, including its connection to the Knights Templar.
S1 E36 - Cryptograms & Esoterica - Part 2
44 minsFeaturing: Scott Wolter
Why is America considered the Holy Grail? Did the Knights Templar succeed in hiding treasures that remain undiscovered?
S1 E37 - The Secrets of Soul Transfiguration - Part 1
30 minsFeaturing: William Henry
What did the ancient Egyptians know about soul transfiguration, and why was it so important to them? William Henry reveals what the ancient Egyptians knew about the body and how humans can transform into higher states of being.
S1 E38 - The Secrets of Soul Transfiguration - Part 2
34 minsFeaturing: William Henry
The common perception of a wormhole is physically jumping from one place to another, but could the process be more spiritual in nature and related to our soul’s transfiguration?
S1 E39 - The Secrets of Soul Transfiguration - Part 3
31 minsFeaturing: William Henry
How can ancient spiritual practices help us become an interstellar civilization? William Henry concludes his discussion at the Stairway to the Stars event by connecting mediation to interstellar travel.
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