Channeled Lessons from the Arcturians

According to the Arcturians, how do we develop our internal technology?

The heart serves as the conduit. It remains impartial and grants us access to the inherent technology residing within our bodies for creation. Channel and international spiritual teacher Bree Melanson asserts that humans are fundamentally driven by a desire to rediscover wholeness. Our task in achieving this is to cultivate an ongoing dialogue with this sacred organ, our heart.

During a channeled session with Arcturians, they echo her sentiment and emphasize that our path forward lies in aligning with the heart's resonance — not as a means to rescue humanity but to harmonize ourselves with the essence of creation.

“What does my life look like when I am being a channel for Source, love and the essence of creation?” - Bree Melanson

Host: George Noory
Featuring: Bree Melanson
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English