Eating Our Way to Extinction

Dive into the harrowing truths of industrial animal farming and its devastating impact on climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss in this powerful documentary. Through bold claims and eye-opening predictions, the film uncovers the hidden costs of our modern food systems and presents actionable solutions.

By exposing the profound effects these practices have on the environment and human health, Eating Our Way to Extinction makes an urgent case for change. It calls for a shift toward sustainable, plant-based diets, challenging us to reconsider our food choices and envision a future where both the planet and our well-being can flourish.

Each choice we make contributes to a collective effort to heal Mother Earth, reminding us that together, we can create meaningful change.

Featuring: Kate Winslet, Richard Brandson, Anthony Robbins, Otto Brockway, Arjen Hoekstra, Brenda Davis, Bruce Friedrich, Gemma Newman, Gerard Bisshop, Jens Holm, Jeremy Rifkin, Joanne Kong, Joseph Poore, Marco Springman, Melanie Joy, Michael Greger, Olivier de Schutter, Peter Wadhams, Roger Roberts, Shireen Kassam, Sylvia Earl, Tara Garnett, Taryn Bishop, Udo Erasmus, Mauricio Ruiz, Don Staniford,Titi Vilhalva, Lee Camp, Meguela Almeida, Damiana Cavanhas, Doug Maw, Indira Badia Fonseca, Stephen Coote, Bianca Taylor Morales, Jane Greatorex, Pelelope Lindeque, Abbie Smith, Ambrosio Ricardi, Joaquin Pino.
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English