New Insider Reveals Off-Planet Biosphere

What plans are ETs making for humanity to live off-planet? Could a futuristic biosphere already be in the works, preparing for our arrival?

Victoria Whitney, a retired Navy defense officer and the official Omicron Commonwealth Chancellor recounts her initial encounter with an ET conclave and their vision for humanity’s future within the Omicron Commonwealth group. This organization is a collective of government officials working to bring a new era of unity and existence to our planet. She describes her remarkable journey with a secret assembly in the Pegasus constellation, where she explored an advanced biosphere designed for humans in the future.

According to Whitney, the ETs were resolute in their conviction that a new chapter for society must begin. Yet, this raises critical questions: What will become of Earth, and will the Draconians and serpent beings seize control of the 3rd density first?

Host: Emery Smith
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English