Operation Golden Deep & USOs

What did an ET confrontation in the South Indian Ocean reveal about Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) and an aquatic-based civilization?

Retired counterintelligence agent Richard Doty discloses Navy encounters with USOs and an ET civilization believed to reside deep within the Indian Ocean. He sheds light on 1960’s Operation Golden Deep, where the US Navy tracked USOs emerging from Antarctica. Using advanced Deep Water Sonar Tracking (DWST), the Navy had an unbelievably close encounter with one of these crafts, leading to the discovery that an ET race had migrated from the stars and inhabited Earth's ocean floors for thousands of years.

Who are these mysterious beings, and what technologies enable them to thrive underwater?

Host: Emery Smith
Featuring: Richard Doty
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English