Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

200 videos found

Quantum Physics in Everyday Life with Fred Alan Wolf
Navigate life and create the reality you want by using the principles of quantum physics. Fred Alan Wolf, also known as Dr. Quantum, explains how your observations shape your life.
Adventures Beyond the Body with William Buhlman
Did you know you can safely have an out-of-the-body adventure without a traumatic accident or near-death experience?
Norm Shealy on Pain Management
Lisa Garr interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Norm Shealy, a holistic health pioneer who has been an internationally recognized innovator in pain management for more than 40 years.
The Choice for Love with Barbara De Angelis
Barbara De Angelis reveals that love is a choice we can — and must — make over and over again.
Barbara Marx Hubbard on Co-Creating Change
Can we, as a society, evolve by choice, not by change?
The Auto-Immune Answer with Mee Tracy McCormick
Over half a million people in the U.S. today are burdened with Crohn’s disease, and author Mee McCormick was one of them.
Paul Stamets on the Healing Power of Mushrooms
Explore the healing power of mushrooms with master mycologist Paul Stamets.
Guided to Your Divine Fire with Cyndi Dale
Cyndi Dale insists that everybody is equipped with a divine light, a divine fire, that allows us to access our higher self. She advises us on the many ways we can adapt this energy, receive guidance, and connect to spirit.
Stay Inspired: Oracles and Intuition with Colette Baron-Reid
Fear and stress contract the mind and do not allow the “I Am” to be operating in your favor. That's when you would go to the oracle, because the oracle can reflect to you what you cannot see when your contracted state prevents you from accessing your intuition.
Marianne Williamson explores the meaning of “I am.” She contrasts the pressures of society, which lead us away from our true nature, with our connection with spirit, where we find our actual self.
Fearless Living with Guy Finley
Can humanity live in a world without fear? Guy Finley, a leading expert on positive living and human potential, reveals his essential laws of fearless living and explains how we can lead the way to a higher, more authentic life.
Techniques of Joyful Awareness with Richard Moss
What if you could clear your mind of habitual stories and reveal a state of joyful, present-moment awareness? Best-selling author Richard Moss teaches people how to delve deeply into their core being to discover what he calls “radical aliveness.”
Living Through Addiction and Recovery with Chris Grosso
Twenty million American adults and children struggle with substance abuse. Chris Grosso has struggled with addiction for years, bringing a spiritual approach to his efforts.
Fierce Environmentalism with Mark Kitchell
What does it mean to be an environmentalist? Director and writer Mark Kitchell answers that question in his award-winning film A Fierce Green Fire.
The Tapping Solution with Nick Ortner
Nick Ortner is on a mission to heal people using a cutting-edge modality, the Emotional Freedom Technique, which combines Chinese acupressure with modern psychology.
From Creation to the Universal Human with Barbara Marx Hubbard
A new human is emerging everywhere, insists the eternally-hopeful Barbara Marx Hubbard, a true American visionary.
David Wolfe on Superfood Secrets to Optimal Health
With a life-long passion for inspiring people to “Have the Best Day Ever,” David Wolfe has touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people across the world. David joins Lisa Garr for in-depth discussions and demonstrations of the superfoods that will put you on the road to higher and higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health, and peak performance.
Electrify with the Alkaline Diet with Dr. Robert Young
The primary force in the body is electricity, and sickness and disease are signs of our natural current meeting resistance. Nutrition expert Dr. Robert Young shares with us valuable insight and practical tips for keeping our current flowing through electrolytes, juicing and an alkaline diet.