Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a tactical advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. Tim describes his direct contact experiences with more than 10 different extraterrestrial species, specializing with information based upon over 100 face-to-face meetings with the Greys. Through his experiences, Tim gained information on a conglomerate of ETs working with timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and historic intergalactic conflicts. Connecting with a collective consciousness he refers to as “Being 6" on an interfrequential level, Tim reveals perspectives into the mysteries of our universe from different densities of reality.

78 videos found

Cosmic Disclosure
Covering everything from Draco Reptilians, peaceful Reptoids of Mars, and the goals of Greys, Tim Tactical Advisor and Captain Randy Cramer substantiate each other’s claims from their respective diplomatic and military experiences and perspectives.
Antarctica: Bases & Beings
Cosmic Disclosure
What did Admiral Byrd really discover in Antarctica during Operation Highjump? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Randy Cramer to discuss the hidden histories of World War II and the resulting fallout.
Levels of Consciousness Defined
Cosmic Disclosure
How can we understand the differences between dimensions of time and space versus densities of consciousness? Illuminating the truth behind coexisting realities, Tim explains how level-five beings often appear as orbs of light to humans.
Disclosure Narratives
Cosmic Disclosure
Was the Corona, New Mexico incident of 1947 an intentional event to jump start an opening for humanity towards contact? Tim Tactical Advisor shares scenarios discussed for consideration by an exclusive committee influencing the Disclosure narrative.
 ET Perspectives About Earth
Cosmic Disclosure
How do various ETs perceive humans? Rejoining Emery Smith, Tim discusses his direct contact experiences and offers differing perspectives of existence through the lens of extraterrestrials and planets outside our solar system.
 Hybrids, Clones & Psionic Illusions
Cosmic Disclosure
Are extraterrestrials, hybrids, and clones walking among us? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Captain Randy Cramer of the USMC Special Section to discuss psionic illusions and soul consciousness.
Time Unit Missions
Cosmic Disclosure
If there are various time traveling beings influencing Earth’s timeline, all with different agendas, does that result in continual chaos? Tim explains how hierarchies within authoritarian systems only allow certain groups to alter timelines, although high-impact events like World War II cannot be changed.
The Self-Correcting Universe
Truth Hunter
Will we ever know the cosmic lineage of humanity’s origins on Earth? In this final episode, Tim and Linda Moulton Howe analyze the extraterrestrial species and competing influences that shaped Earth’s history.
ETs & Non-Soul Human Vessels
Cosmic Disclosure
Tim Tactical Advisor joins Emery Smith to describe his encounters with what he refers to as biological humans without a soul. Controlled by ETs, these bodies were used to make contact and communicate with designated humans.
Cosmic Disclosure
If Earth has made contact with different ET species, how many planets is humanity currently in contact with? Distinguishing extraterrestrial facts from fiction, Tim Tactical Advisor is rejoined by retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty to discuss half a century worth of government intel from both sides of the Atlantic.
Reptilian Installations on Earth
Cosmic Disclosure
Do the Draco have AI technology installed on Earth to manipulate humanity? Through the destruction of social structures, eradication of individual free time, and creation of a material-based consumer culture, Tim conveys that humanity has been affected by time-traveling ETs to delay and divert our divine evolutionary potential.
Greys & EBENs: Friends or Foes?
Cosmic Disclosure
Do Greys and EBENs share a biological lineage that led to an intergalactic conflict? Tim rejoins Emery Smith for an in-depth discussion on the biological, technological, and philosophical differences between these two species who have interacted with Earth throughout history according to their own agendas.
Redirecting Timelines
Cosmic Disclosure
What are “time units” and how do they connect ETs with humanity? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, “time units” are groups of Greys sent through time by the First Order to heal and correct damages to timelines caused by Draco Reptilians.
Esoteric Mysteries of Antarctica
Cosmic Disclosure
How do secrets of Antarctica relate to the Nazis' search for Atlantis during World War II? Retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty and Tim Tactical Advisor offer insider insight on historic anomalies stretching back to the 1930s.
Inner Earth Portals & Skinwalkers
Cosmic Disclosure
How do skinwalkers relate to government projects, portals, and UFOs? High-risk oil contractor and Blind Frog Ranch owner Duane Ollinger concludes his interview with Emery Smith and Tim, sharing how UAP appeared during a contracted dig with the CIA.
Intergalactic Travel & Consciousness Technologies
Truth Hunter
What are the connections between warp drives, portals, and psychic phenomena allowing beings to travel across vast distances of space? Linda Moulton Howe interviews Tim, Tactical Advisor from Germany, about levels of consciousness and light-speed travel.
 ET Influences Upon Religions
Cosmic Disclosure
From the Burning Bush of Moses in the Bible to the flying Vimanas of Hinduism, is it possible human religions were influenced by ET contact?
Time Wars & Progenitor ET Influences
Cosmic Disclosure
Have Progenitor ET species influenced humanity by manipulating timelines? Tim Tactical Advisor joins Captain Randy Cramer for an in-depth analysis of Progenitor ETs and their influences and agendas.