Lauren Lewis

Lauren Lewis

Lauren's teachings weave a fabric full of challenging flows, invitations to evolve with kindness, and an understanding that vulnerability is the path to connection. Her approachable and challenging teaching style incorporates intuition honed from her extensive background as a chef along with her experience in vinyasa's physical framework, with the fluidity and opportunities for recalibration it provides.

Practitioners can expect classes that help discern where their unique edge is and move toward it with compassion. Lauren embraces the idea that the more we can show up and love ourselves, the more we can get out of our way to shape the world around us positively. Outside of the studio, you can find Lauren hiking, camping, or biking in the mountains with her family or cooking up a storm in her kitchen.

46 classes found

Exploring the Niyamas
Saucha can be translated as purity or cleanliness. This practice gives us the ability to clean up our thoughts and actions, so we can refine and evolve with each movement and breath.
Lauren Lewis
Mobilize hips and shoulders as a gateway to the heart where we can access faith and possibility. Trust in the unfolding with a graceful breath to movement flow featuring standing side bends and lunge twists before moving to the mat for deeper shoulder, throat, and hip opening shapes.
Lauren Lewis
Find focused awareness and peaceful concentration in this half mandala (semi-circular) flow to cultivate courage. Turn inward and remember how far you have come.
Lauren Lewis
Refine your focus and tune into being alert and discerning with all that life brings. Enliven your vitality with a moment of empowering breath work before moving into an energizing standing practice. Finish up in a short series of grounding supine postures.
Lauren Lewis
Stay tuned to your center when moving through transitions, from playfulness to precision, through common standing poses. Keeping your mind in an attentive state while staying connected to your body.
Lauren Lewis
Find a sense of play over perfection with this gentle twisting and balance focused flow. Explore a standing sequence to open the heart, side bodies, and hamstrings with a sense of curiosity and joy.
Lauren Lewis
This up-tempo class focuses on firing up the core with a swift breath to movement flow and full-body awakening. Find the dance between connecting out into the world and coming back to a strong center so that you may lay down what is no longer useful to carry.
Lauren Lewis
This slow and powerful all-around flow traverses every plane of movement. This is a practice that will fill your cup physically and emotionally for many years to come.
Lauren Lewis
Enjoy simple movements to awaken to the day with a sense of connection to self. May we begin with ourselves and connect to the inner sanctuary.
Lauren Lewis
Give attention to the hips and legs, as we increase flexibility for the muscles around the hip joints.
Lauren Lewis
This flow provides leveling options to meet your healthy edge of challenge. By progressively twisting and balancing, we can get just outside of the comfort zone where growth is possible.
Lauren Lewis
Flow then pause to regain connection to breathe. Take seated twists to come back to the center with sharpness and clear perspective.
Lauren Lewis
Practice intrinsic stability for daily mobility. Moving through repetitive patterns helps us to sharpen our body's awareness to stay safe as we age.
Lauren Lewis
Build energy, release stagnation and twist out residual stress in this revitalizing and cleansing sequence.
Lauren Lewis
In this spine-focused sequence, we will focus on mobilizing and strengthening for spinal health. Enjoy both seated and standing sequences that encourage spinal awareness and a deeper breath.
Lauren Lewis
Do you ever feel stuck on auto-pilot? Use transitions and core work as a tool to practice moving with mindful attention from task to task throughout the day.
Lauren Lewis
Practice with arm strengthening and shoulder mobility to access the heart's center.
Lauren Lewis
Reconnect to your body as a sanctuary rather than an adversary. Tap into gentle gratitude for your body and empower yourself with kindness. Props: optional block