Baddha Konasana: Bound Angle Pose

Baddha Konasana: Bound Angle Pose

Baddha konasana (BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna) is known by many names including butterfly pose, bound angle, and cobbler’s pose. This seated pose stretches the inner hips and groins.


  • Baddha: bound
  • Kona: angle
  • Asana: pose


This pose is believed to have origins in the typical sitting positions of the Indian cobblers, lending to one of its other names, cobbler’s pose.


  • Stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees
  • Can encourage lumbar curve when set up properly
  • Can release low back discomfort


  • Stimulates the root and sacral chakras





  • For a more restorative variation, place your feet further away from your hips, forming a wider angle of your knees, then lean forward.
  • If you notice your low back is rounding (or tailbone is tucked under you), sit up on blocks or blankets.


  1. Find a seated position with your legs out in front of you (dandasana).
  2. Notice if your tailbone tucks under you. If so, find a blanket, block, or pillow to sit on.
  3. Place the soles of your feet together, knees out to the sides.
  4. Option to place your hands behind you to lift the chest.
  5. Option to hold your ankles and with a long spine, slowly lean your chest forward.
  6. Hold for up to 10 breaths, then gently return to neutral. Help your knees together and stretch your legs out long.

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Vasisthasana: Side Plank Pose


Vasisthasana (vah-sish-TAHS-anna) comes in many variations. At its core, side plank is a challenging arm balance that requires core and shoulder strength.

Philosophy + Origin

The word “vasistha” appears in the yogic tradition as the name of several sages. This pose honors all the vasistha sages, including an array of rishis and prajapatis (lords of creation). In one story of Vasistha, he was the proud owner of a famous wish-granting cow named Nandini that helped Vashistha acquire vast wealth. While the Sanskrit translation of this pose is “Sage Vasistha’s pose,” the common translation is “side plank.”

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