David Icke’s Famous Reptilians Conspiracy: Do They Walk Among Us?

You’ve probably seen tabloid headlines claiming, “Justin Bieber Caught Momentarily Transforming into Reptilian Form,” or “Shapeshifting Secret Service Agent Proof of Illuminati Reptilian Bloodlines.” While these may seem like fringe conspiracies, a poll taken during the 2016 election showed that four percent or roughly 12 million Americans, believe in these famous reptilians. But if you really want to know more about the reptilian conspiracy theory, one need only ask David Icke.
Famous Reptilians
Much of the theory’s popularity comes from Icke’s interpretations of Gnostic texts such as the Nag Hammadi, as well as biblical Apocrypha like the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as Archons, appear on Earth as humans, masking their true reptilian form.
These “Archontic” forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving humanity for their own selfish reasons. Icke says these forces are like a computer virus that manifested itself in elite bloodlines throughout mankind’s history. Also known to use their most infamous arm of clandestine influence, the Illuminati, these famous Reptilian shapeshifters form a psychopathic ruling class that pulls the strings in all of the world’s financial and political power structures.
And it’s not hard to sympathize with Icke’s belief; the decisions made by politicians, bankers, and the global elite are often selfish, detrimental to the environment, and subversive to the betterment of society at large – three signs of psychopathy. But are they really reptilian?
Of course, we all have a reptilian brain – that part of us responsible for behaviors, such as aggression, dominance, and territoriality – which was a nickname given to the basal ganglia by neuroscientist Paul McClean when he wanted to compare our instinctual actions to those of reptiles. But it seems like the Reptilians Icke describes are a little more conniving than McClean’s concept; it seems they’re capable of more cerebral thought.
Illuminati Bloodlines
There are two types of these famous reptilians: hybrids and full bloods. The hybrids are an alleged crossbreed between humans and full-blooded reptilians, who are too few in number to take over the planet – hence the reason they cloak their identity while manipulating world leaders and financiers behind the scenes.
There is also a hierarchy, according to Icke, of which the full-bloods or Dracos, sit atop, maintaining control of the hybrids who are unaware they are even reptilian. The world’s most influential political figures are of the hybrid ilk, including modern presidents, prime ministers, and bankers. Others believe hybrids exist as reptilian celebrities, but Icke typically sticks to institutions and political entities – especially those with nefarious histories like the CIA, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission.
In one of his most renowned titles, The Biggest Secret, Icke meticulously charts the bloodlines of a family called the Merovingians – a central connection of French nobility that links ancient Egyptian pharaohs and Roman Emperors to the British royal family, U.S. Presidents, and nearly every other influential political figure of the last few centuries. To even begin to delineate this tree would require extensive detail, so for an explanation from the man himself click here.
Reptilian References in Ancient Cultures
Icke says there is mention in the Nag Hammadi of not just Reptilians, but also the Greys, commonly reported as one of the less-than-friendly alien species humans encounter. These, too, are manifestations of the negative Archontic form, he says.
Icke also points to the Old Testament, in which the Nephilim, a.k.a. the “fallen ones” fit into his theory of a descendent race infiltrating humanity. Some translations interpret the Nephilim as giants or others as fallen angels, but in both cases, they interbred with humans. Icke says these are the Reptilians, and depictions of them can be seen throughout disparate religions and cultures in antiquity, worshipped as gods or demi-gods like the Nephilim.
In ancient Sumer, there is a literal statue of a Reptilian goddess cradling its offspring. Ancient Egypt has Apep; the serpent deity that embodied chaos and opposed light. In Mesoamerican culture, there was Quetzalcoatl or Kukulkán, the flying, feathered, reptile god, who created the cosmos. And Indian religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism speak of the Naga, a human-snake hybrid demi-god that are potentially dangerous to humans.
Were they the half-blooded reptilians Icke warns us of today?
Whether you ascribe to Icke’s rather fantastical theory, his sentiment and the foundation of his histrionics stem from a genuine concern for humanity and the oppression he sees from an elite class, the one percent. This anxiety is shared by a lot of people in the world, particularly in this day and age. And for that, it’s difficult to completely dismiss Icke’s ideas, Reptilian aliens or otherwise.
Nordic Aliens: What We Know About These Extraterrestrials

Ancient civilizations around the world have spoken of angelic beings that descended from the sky, sent by God to assist humanity by sharing their spiritual and emotional wisdom with Earthlings. These mythological entities appear to continue their mission to this day, and many believe they are emissaries from outer space, an extraterrestrial species known as the Nordic or Pleiadian race.
What are Nordic Aliens?
The Nordics are an ancient alien species that have been reported in contact with various civilizations throughout history. Claims suggest they may have been interacting with early human societies, perhaps influencing ancient cultures under the guise of gods or advanced beings. Initially, they identified themselves as being from Venus and later from the Pleiades star cluster. However, their true origin remains a subject of debate, and they may prefer to keep their true home a secret for security reasons.
Mythology and History
Nordic aliens, also known as Tall Whites and Space Brothers, are thought to be angelic beings represented in many religions and ancient civilizations, such as the following:
- Some researchers suggest these extraterrestrial beings may have visited ancient Mesopotamia, influencing Sumerian culture with their advanced knowledge.
- Ancient Egypt’s advanced astronomical and engineering skills, along with depictions of tall, fair-skinned beings, hint at possible Nordic alien influence.
- Ancient Greek mythology’s descriptions of gods and demigods resemble the physical traits attributed to these beings, further suggesting early encounters.
- Viking folklore and Norse mythology describe gods with characteristics akin to those of Nordic aliens, suggesting visits to ancient Scandinavia.
- Indigenous cultures in the Americas, such as the Hopi tribe, have prophecies of “True White Brothers,” while Mesoamerican legends speak of white-skinned gods.
- Ancient Indian texts describe fair-skinned deities and advanced flying machines, potentially linked to Nordic aliens.
Common Nordic Aliens
Nordic aliens are often described in various ways based on their appearances and the traits attributed to them. Here are some commonly mentioned types:
The Hopi people, an indigenous group in North America, have legends about various star beings or ancestors. Some interpretations suggest that these beings were tall and fair-skinned, similar to the Nordic archetype. These peaceful entities are believed to be the True White Brothers, foretold in Hopi prophecy, signaling the end of the fourth age.
Vril Society
The Vril Society is a controversial and often debated topic in ufology and occult circles. This secret society, reportedly active in the early 20th century in Germany, was said to be interested in advanced technology and hidden knowledge. While generally seen as a benevolent species, there’s a chance the Nordics influenced the Vril Society. Some factions might have deviated from the path of light, aligning with malevolent entities opposing the human race.
Agartha is a mythical realm said to exist within the Earth’s hollow interior. In this context, Agarthan Nordics are described as residing in this hidden world and possessing advanced technology and knowledge. They are often portrayed as having tall stature and fair features.
Pleiadian Nordics are among the most well-known in contemporary UFO and New Age literature. They are said to come from the Pleiades star cluster, which is a group of stars located about 400 light-years from Earth. Descriptions of Pleiadian Nordics typically include tall, attractive individuals with blonde hair and blue eyes who are benevolent and advanced. They are often described as being involved in guiding humanity, offering spiritual guidance, or even intervening in global issues to help prevent disasters or promote peace.
Venusian Nordics are claimed to come from Venus, one of Earth’s neighboring planets. This type of Nordic is often depicted similarly to other Nordics but with some slight differences in their physical appearance or technology, reflecting their planetary origin. Reports of Venusian Nordics often focus on their advanced knowledge and technology, as well as their interest in interacting with or guiding humanity.
Each of these types reflects the varied ways in which different cultures and speculative traditions interpret the concept of Nordic aliens.
Nordic alien descriptions can differ, but the following points provide a consistent overview of their characteristics.
Physical Appearance
Nordics are perhaps the most human-like in appearance of all the different types of aliens and closely resemble people of Scandinavian descent. They tend to have reddish to blond hair and green or blue eyes and stand anywhere from 5 to 7 feet tall. Some claim that Nordics lack irises and wear contact lenses to blend in when visiting our planet. Many also claim that these beings lack a sense of smell. Nordics are also claimed to be fourth- and fifth-density beings.
These descriptions are commonly associated with UFO sightings and abduction phenomena within European nations such as Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
They can easily pass as Earthlings and those who have been in contact with this alien race state that their appearance allows them to freely explore our planet.
They can easily pass as Earthlings and those who have been in contact with this alien race state that their appearance allows them to freely explore our planet.
Modes of Transportation
Nordics are generally observers, sometimes viewing events and contactees from within their spacecraft, which range from spherical to cigar-shaped.
Communication Methods
As part of the Galactic Federation, Nordics generally maintain a distance from humanity, often communicating telepathically or through dreams. However, some Nordics have been known to actively intervene in human affairs, influencing events and guiding individuals in more direct ways.
Intentions on Earth
Many contactees have reported receiving channeled messages of peace and love from Nordics, with much of the available information about these beings coming through such communications. Nordics are deeply concerned with the spiritual evolution of humanity and often emphasize that while humans are at a less advanced stage of development, we are closely related to them. This concern has led some Nordics to more directly influence human affairs, guiding and assisting us as we progress.
Notable Abductees
This species is less frequently associated with alien abduction experiences, and when involved in such episodes, there is generally a message of peace and concern relating to the Earth’s wellbeing.
Travis Walton
One of the most notable and intriguing cases of Nordic abduction that occurred in North America was the Travis Walton case.
Walton was working as a logger in Arizona when he came across a hovering alien craft with his lumber crew and was knocked unconscious by a beam of light emanating from the object.
Walton was working as a logger in Arizona when he came across a hovering alien craft with his lumber crew and was knocked unconscious by a beam of light emanating from the object.
He was taken aboard, where he encountered several types of beings, including a Nordic-like race of tall, white humanoids. The craft released him after five days, and the subsequent story became a news sensation. Walton shared his experiences in his book The Walton Experience, which became the basis for the 1993 film Fire in the Sky.
Billy Meier
Other notable contactees include Billy Meier, a Swedish farmer who claims to have been in contact with the Plejarans, a Nordic extraterrestrial race. Throughout his life, he has photographed, filmed, and been in contact with these beings, delivering their messages of peace and love to humanity.
George Adamski
George Adamski was another early Nordic contactee of the 1950s and claimed to be in contact with a group of Nordic aliens from Venus. He wrote several books on the subject and said that his materials were cleared by the FBI and the United States government.
President Eisenhower
It is also rumored that President Eisenhower had a secret meeting with a group of Nordic extraterrestrials who were attempting to convince the United States to disarm its nuclear missile program in exchange for advanced technology. The event is said to have taken place in February 1954 at Edwards Air Force Base under the guise of Eisenhower undergoing emergency dental surgery. It is believed that this meeting did not end with any sort of agreement.
Instead, Eisenhower is thought to have entered into a treaty with the Grey aliens, a pact ensuring that the United States could keep its nuclear arsenal while still receiving advanced technologies from the ETs. In exchange for this technological intel, the Greys would be allowed to abduct and experiment upon the American people without question.
Harmony and Stewardship
The message that seems to follow each encounter with the Nordic species is the importance of spiritual awareness and the stewardship of our planet. According to the Nordics, humans are a closely related species, and the human ascension process involves learning how to overcome our differences to live as one in harmony. Do you think humanity is close to realizing our collective ascension, or do you feel that extraterrestrial intervention is a necessary step in our evolution? Or is this all an intriguing hoax? You decide.
Learn more about extraterrestrials by exploring Gaia’s collection of alien documentaries and docuseries.