Grey Aliens
Grey Aliens are perhaps the most widely recognized and popular alien species, and have consistently appeared in television and film for decades. The notorious Roswell crash in 1947 first brought these beings to the public eye, sparking an obsession with these creatures that still exists today. A strange craft fell from the sky on a warm summer night in July of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, raising concern among the military and townspeople alike.
Some claim that the vessel was piloted by strange, small creatures, about 3.5 feet tall, with enormous eyes and grey skin.
Was the craft indeed piloted by these creatures, and if so, did any of them survive the crash? The Roswell incident remains one of the most debated and puzzling events in modern UFO history, and it’s no surprise that the infamous Greys were involved. Grey alien encounters account for 43% of extraterrestrial beings sighted, and are commonly reported among government whistleblowers and abductees alike.
The exact planetary origin of this species is widely believed to be Zeta Reticuli, a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. Although, there is the possibility that several species of Greys exist, originating from different points in the galaxy such as the Orion system. The Greys, it is believed, have been operating on Earth for quite some time.
There also exists the possibility that they are a later evolution of the human species, and that over use of cloning and genetic manipulation has destroyed their DNA and driven them nearly to the point of extinction. This hypothesis could help explain the harvesting of human tissues and prevalence of cattle mutilations as an attempt to refresh their own genetic makeup. Could the Greys be collecting these samples to continue cloning themselves, or is it possible that they are creating a hybrid species, part human and part alien?
Some believe that Greys are the modern-day interpretation of the fairy folk, whose visitations to Earth have been occurring since ancient times.
Physical Characteristics
Regardless of the extent of their involvement on our planet, the Greys stand out in their appearance. The most striking characteristic of these beings are their large black almond-shaped eyes, devoid of pupils or irises. They have unusually large heads, elongated arms, and seem to lack muscular structure. These beings generally have grey skin, although some are reported as ranging from bluish grey in color to beige or tan, and even white.
They tend to stand between 3.5-6 feet tall, and it appears that their height and skin color reflect their status. The mouth, ears and nose of the Grey species are nearly nonexistent. As generally sexless beings, it is believed that they repopulate through cloning technology, while most small Greys are thought to be controlled by a hive mind; hive mind may also be known as swarm intelligence, which is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems. They are fourth density beings.
Modes of Transportation
Greys tend to travel in saucer-shaped, triangular or spherical craft.
Intentions on Earth
Perhaps the greatest mystery of the Greys is their agenda and intentions for planet Earth and the humans that inhabit this world. It is widely agreed that they seem to be involved in a long-term experiment using the genetic makeup of our species, carefully following and abducting individuals, subjecting them to various tests and attempting to wipe clean the memories of these frightening experiences. Many claim that the Greys communicate through telepathy and often employ mind control when interacting with test subjects. It is said that they can stun and subdue people with their dark and fathomless eyes, implanting memories and rendering abductees immobile.
The Greys are highly intelligent beings, but appear to value science above spirituality. They seem to run the gamut as far as intentions go: some Greys appear unconcerned with human emotions, viewing us as simple test subjects, while other abductees report a positive and emotional connection during their abductions. It is thought that the Greys hold allegiance with several other alien species, either as equals or as a slave class themselves.
Abductees have encountered Greys that work closely with Reptilian aliens, and these tend to be malevolent in nature and subservient to the wishes of the Reptilians. Others have witnessed Greys that seem to be assisting Nordic aliens, another group of aliens known for their peaceful and spiritual nature. Are the Greys using humans as a genetic farm, or are they perhaps stewards of our species, tracking and observing our evolution?
Notable Abductions or Encounters
As mentioned above, the Greys are perhaps the most widely recognized of the alien races. Notable encounters include the Barney and Betty Hill abduction, an infamous case involving a married couple who were taken aboard a UFO in 1961, physically examined and subsequently released. The couple soon began to recall their frightening ordeal, and sought medical and psychological assistance, attempting to understand what had occurred. This is perhaps the first widely studied case of abduction, and the Hills both described interacting with beings that closely resemble the Greys.
Whitley Strieber’s book Communion brought alien abduction to the public eye, as a bestselling novel and later a film adaptation. Strieber’s abduction and interaction with “the visitors” mirrors similar accounts of other abductees, with Strieber’s Greys being of a more benevolent nature. Visitations and abductions featuring Greys generally include medical examinations and procedures, and the appearance of hybrid beings (part human and Grey) are another hallmark of these cases.
Have you ever had an encounter with a Grey alien? Leave your experiences in the comments below.
Are Crop Circles Real?
A design appears in a field. For some it is a sign, a message from beyond. To others it is yet another hoax. Either way, the phenomenon of crop circles is as mysterious as it is actual. There is no question that crop circles are real – unlike other strange phenomenon, when crop circles suddenly appear in a farmer’s field they are documented, walked into, flown over and studied.
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The real mystery is who is making them and for what reason?
What do they mean? Are they man-made? Are they messages from ETs? Or from Mother Earth herself? Or something even stranger? Is there an unknown science hidden with the circles, waiting to be discovered? Or are the hoaxes a psychological operations of some kind?
Circular Beginnings
“Crop Circles” is a name coined by Colin Andrews for the unusual geometric formations that have been discovered in various crops since the 1960’s, although there is some historic evidence via woodcuts and the like that dates them back to the 1600’s. Most researchers agree that the modern crop circle sensation began in 1966 with the Tully event in Australia, when a farmer named George Pedley heard a sound and saw a UFO rising from a swamp. He then found a circle of pressed reeds that was photographed and documented. Subsequently, other circles started to be discovered. Throughout the 1960’s and 70’s the formations consisted of mainly circles and rings.
Many theories abounded as to what was causing these “saucer nests”; natural meteorological events such as lightning or wind were put forward as possible causes, which seemed to be accepted by most people.
In 1991 all that changed with the appearance of the Barbury Castle formation. This formation contained not only straight lines, but appeared to most as being intelligently designed and containing some kind of message.
This particular formation was obviously not the result of weather: it divided people between those who thought a deeper mystery was presenting itself and those who maintained the simple designs were natural occurrences and the more complex designs must be man-made.
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This idea was reinforced when, in the same year, two men came forward, Doug Bowler and Dave Chorley, who claimed they had been making the circles for 13 years. They disclosed themselves as the creators of several formations that had been deemed “genuine” (unexplainable and/or not man-made) by Pat Delgado, one of the experts at the time. Using boards, ropes and a sighting device, they gave a demonstration to the press. This demonstration convinced some and was scoffed at others.
It was pointed out that circles had been starting to appear all over the world and in several locations on the same night, so the claim they had made all of them prior to 1987 was questioned. However most mainstream sources considered the “case closed” on crop circles, despite the occurrence of increasingly complex designs in the decades that followed.
Crop circles today are still routinely written off as hoaxes by the mainstream media and other scientific institutions such as the Smithsonian.
Going Around in Circles
Bowler and Chorley’s admission sparked a new wave of crop circle artists, or “Doug & Daves” and since 1991 the occurrences of crop circles has boomed all over the world. For some, creating crop circle designs became a form of “Land Art.” There were others who saw the crop circle phenomenon as a communication between humans and ETs; therefore started to create the designs as a way of answering back. Others simply like to create them as a joke or a hoax. However there is also a marked military interest in crop circles; many times military helicopters are seen overhead when a crop circle appears.
This has created a more conspiratorial point of view for some… has the military “cracked the code” and crop circles are being studied as an actual form of communication with an unknown source? Or perhaps they being created by the military as a psychological operations to monitor public reaction, or to test or measure advanced secret technology?
It began to become apparent to some that there was indeed some sort of technology involved that could not be explained.
Far from being trampled, as would be the effect from boards and ropes, some crop circles began to display an amazing flow and weaving of stalks that had been flattened within the circles. The plants were bent without haven been broken and were still alive and flowering. Despite this, the average man on the street still overwhelming believed that the crop circles were man-made.
As an average of 200 crop circles were and are occurring every year in over 60 countries, serious researchers began to find ways to assess if a crop circle was genuine or man-made by more stringent methods rather than by the complexity of the designs alone.
Enter the Doctor
As it turns out, in that same year of 1991, a biophysicist named Dr. William C. Levengood began to study the stalks found within crop circles and almost immediately found anomalies. Over the next 10 years, thousands of samples of stalks within and outside the crop circle formations were sent to his lab to be studied. What he discovered was a lengthening of the apical nodes (the first “node” of a plant stalk beneath the seed-head) which seemed to be the result of some kind of electromagnetic or microwave energy exposure.
This exposure caused the stalk to bend at various angles, sometimes as much as 90˚, depending on the degree, without killing the plant. This “expulsion of the node” sometimes affected only a single row of cells within the stalk, something that we do not currently have to technology to recreate.
Another discovery made almost by accident was that the seeds within the crop circle seemed to have been exposed to an “electron-ion impulse,” an effect subsequently repeated in the lab and dubbed MIR. Seeds exposed to electron-ion impulse caused the resulting plant to have increased growth-rate, increased yield and increased tolerance to environmental stresses. This effected all the seeds within the crop circle whether the stalk had been flattened or not, as some of the formations had “standing parts” at the center of the circles.
Around the same time, attempts to witness crop circles as they were being formed were attempted by various groups led by Colin Andrews, Pat Delgado and Terence Meaden. None succeeded, although each group came away with enough equivocal data to suggest a non-man-made phenomenon had been observed had been observed.
Colin Andrews, who was actually quite critical of Dr. Levengood’s work, concluded after decades of research that 20% of crop circle formations were indeed “genuine” (unexplainable and/or not man-made).
In 1992, an investigation dubbed “Project Agnus” led by Michael Chorost also found anomalies in the plants and soil of crops within crop circles, although they concluded that they had failed to find the “smoking gun.”7 Despite the inconclusive evidence it seems fairly clear that some crop circles contain features that can not be hoaxed and should alone provide a basis of physical proof that something else besides boards and is creating a certain percentage of crop circles. Why then, does the “hoax” verdict dominate the mainstream?
Social Circles
Perhaps because the initial crop circle that was found in Tully, Australia was discovered alongside a report of a UFO sighting, causing the first circles to be dubbed “saucer nests,” as well as other sightings of balls or light or light beings above or within the circles, UFOs and aliens have become linked with the crop circle phenomenon. After the famous Roswell UFO crash in 1947, “belief” in UFOs was deliberately ridiculed and became socially taboo; any professional who admitted their belief could damage or lose their career. This is still true today for many in the mainstream, although worldwide sightings, scientific discovery of thousands of earth-like planets and the sheer numbers of people who have had direct experience has skyrocketed, causing a slow but persistent shift in social acceptance.
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However it would seem that the connection of crop circles with UFOs and ETs provides enough “taboo” contamination for any actual scientific research to be taken seriously.
Much of the western world’s social stability is strictly secular and relies on the scientific method, with no room for the magical or mysterious.
In short, western culture relies on facts, or at least, facts that support the status quo. There is, of course, the fact that many crop circles are indeed man-made. Documentaries such as the one produced by the National Geographic Channel in 2009, “Crop Circles: Is it Real?” provide the skeptic with an abundance of assumptions that support the dismissal of crop circles as supernatural. For those who do not give the subject of UFOs a second thought and feel the “more intelligent” way to go is to assume the crop circle mystery has been solved, or at least can be explained by existing technology, there is ground to stand on, and those people are, in fact, in the majority. The psychology behind this cognitive dissonance is perhaps the subject of another article.
Meanwhile as researchers and enthusiasts continue their studies of crop circles, the ET connection is coming into question.
There is no doubt that something unexplainable is happening, but current research is showing an emergence of what can only be described as a “psi connection” between people and whatever force is at work.
Gary King, a crop circle tour guide and researcher, sites an example of a Mexican group interested in ancient Mexican history who visited the Wiltshire area, only to have a beautiful Mayan design appear the very next day, seemingly “just for them.” Researcher Lucy Pringle recalls a time in 2013 when Peter Knight, a expert on the “Long Barrow” (an ancient edifice in Wiltshire) was speaking at the WCCSG Conference in Marlborough. He had led a talk and meditation the night before and had “prayed for a crop circle.” Amazingly, the next day one appeared near the Long Barrow. Colin Andrews for his part is convinced that some sort of communication is taking place. They are far from alone.
Many other people, from curious visitors to other dedicated researchers, have reported similar experiences and impressions, causing a consciousness link to be considered as an integral part of crop circles phenomenon.
The issue, of course, is when creation and meaning are not actually scientifically provable and the arena of consciousness is introduced into the mix, it’s a bit of a game-over as far as reaching a unified understanding.
Like any kind of symbolic interpretation, crop circles mean different things to different people, although some have displayed mathematical language and computer code, which leave almost no room for speculation.
The famous 2008 Pi Crop Circle formation, the 2002 Chilbolton Crop Circle featuring an alien face and a disk containing ASCII code, and the 2001 Arecibo Message Crop Circle that seemed to be a direct response to the message sent by SETI from the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974, are but a few.
The Chilbolton Crop Circle features an alien face and ASCII code. Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.
Markings of an Agenda?
So at the end of the day, who is making the “genuine” or unexplainable crop circles, and what they mean, continues to be a mystery. The skeptics have their arguments on hand and ready, for example, “Why are there never any witnesses?,” “If they are trying to deliver a message why use such obscure symbolism?” “The science hasn’t’ been proven.” These are valid questions and concerns, however, there is evidence that a larger manipulation may be taking place.
According to researcher and best-selling author Freddie Silva, the origin of “Doug and Dave’s” pranks traced back to the British Military.
Other exposed hoaxers, such as Robert Irving and Jim Schnabel, admitted on a secretly recorded tape that many hoaxes and debunking efforts were being carried out by the American, British and Germany Secret Services, under a larger “super-national” organization, and that hoaxers often received large amounts of money for their services.
Farmers are not exempt, according to an ex-police sergeant whistleblower some are “paid off” to immediately mow crop circle formations.
And as documented in Episode 3 of Gaia’s Crop Circles: Embrace the Mystery crop circle enthusiasts sometimes encounter men in newly discovered formations that claim to be the creators, identifying the formation as a hoax in order to dis-empower it. Although, their claim as the “creators” may itself be a hoax.
The Enigma Continues
Ultimately the choice whether to believe crop circles are the work of over-enthusiastic graduate students, land artists or other jokesters, a communication from an unknown cosmic, spiritual or earthly source, or a military psy-ops of some kind, is up to the observer. Being confronted with scientific facts does not necessarily make people change their minds.
One thing is for sure, crop circles continue to emerge and engage the imaginations of many. It is up to each one of us whether to embrace the mystery or not.