How Your Soul Experiences Taste

How Your Soul Experiences Taste

This article is part of the Are You Coming to Your Senses? series.

Welcome to the third installment of our five-part series on how your soul perceives your physical senses. We have previously discussed the senses of sight and sound, and in this article we explore the sense of taste that resides within your human embodiment.

Taste is so important to us that we have come to sensationalize the eating experience. There are currently numerous cooking shows and competitions where contestants compete for who can prepare the best meal. Someone then passes judgment on what is the best food based solely on personal taste preference.

Source Has No Limit

Think of all the spices and food additives that have been created for the enjoyment of the human experience. Isn’t it interesting how people can react so differently to the same spice, or have such opposing reactions to the same food? Even people sharing the same meal at a table together can have entirely different taste reactions. Humans also have completely different reactions when biting into, swallowing, or ingesting the same foods as others. This could be due to food allergies, how the food is grown, and what chemicals or fertilizers were used in production. In short, there are endless variables when it comes to taste.

We declare that no two humans taste anything exactly the same! How something tastes is based solely upon YOUR taste buds, circulatory, and sensory systems — not anyone else’s. And no two people are the same.

From a spiritual (soul’s) perspective, why would Source need to taste something the same way every time? That would mean that Source would have a limitation to it, and Source has no limit.

The Soul’s Perspective on Taste

Let’s talk about the Soul’s perspective on taste. There is taste from within! Have you ever had a stressful or traumatic experience and gotten a sour taste in your mouth? Or perhaps a metallic taste in the back of your throat? What is that? If there is no food or something physical that you are ingesting in that moment, what is it that you are tasting?

It’s a taste sensation that is in alignment with an emotion. That is your soul’s inner taste experience! Yet humans are constantly explaining it away as a bad meal they ate earlier in the day, or some food that didn’t sit well in their stomach.

Physical taste is in alignment with the contact of your tongue and taste buds with a substance. The physical response to something is in reference to whether you thought what was being tasted was sweet, sour, salty, savory or bitter, or pleasant or unpleasant to you.

Emotional Experience First

Your inner soul’s taste works differently. It is ignited by the emotional experience first. This emotion can actually cause you to taste something in your mouth. Think of the phrase “the sweet taste of success.” What does success or joy taste like? It must taste sweet because so many humans have made that declaration.

What about the traumatic experiences that so many of you go through when you experience dry mouth or a sour taste? What is that? It is when your soul is having a traumatic soul sensation! A traumatic soul taste sensation based upon your emotions being stirred.

Physical vs Soul Taste

How can you tell when you’re experiencing a taste whether it’s physical or your soul’s taste sensation? Is your tongue touching something physical, which then allows an emotional response? Then that is taste based upon the physical. If you are getting the emotion first, and then a type of sensation through your embodiment or your taste sensory system, that is your soul connection!

You are the master of your physical embodiment and the energy flow in your physical body. You have the ability to experience your soul’s sensation through your senses.

As you refine your awareness process and your awareness state is heightened, you will more readily experience being in alignment with your soul through any or all of your senses.

When you are working on aligning with your soul and you’re practicing the art of conjuring the emotion of your soul, you can be experiencing this through sight, sound, and even the tasting of your emotions.

Did you realize your emotions had a taste to them? We hope that with this new awareness you will start experiencing taste from your soul’s perspective.

Soul Retrieval on Gaia

Just like the traumatic experiences Brad mentions above that can give you a bad taste, trauma also can fragment your soul. The good news? You can reclaim your power and once again become the master of your soul. Get started with Jill Kuykendall on Soul Retrieval on Talks with Regina Meredith.

What’s My Birthstone? Birthstone Meanings and Stone Properties by Month

When each of us is born, elements throughout the universe are aligned in uniquely specific formations. Because every aspect of creation is connected, our birth stars and planets are positioned in ways that are meant to impact our lives, both positively and negatively. 

Inherent in these constellations and formations is a unique set of influences and energetic attributes. We can choose to move with these constructs, as if being whisked away on mini rollercoasters throughout our lives, or we can challenge them by understanding how they function, then continuously choose to improve our responses to them. 

Therein lie two potential responses to our birth influences and the resulting karmic flows: roll with it or rise above it.

What is a Birthstone?

While the stars and planets are working with the energetic aspects within the heavens to bring you to life and then guide you through to your death, there are other players in the game: gemstones. All the stones throughout all the galaxies and universes are born with energetic infusions. This makes each stone unique in its attributes and footprint. 

Hinduism tells us that the nine gemstones connected to your specific celestial forces can help you in this life. In Sanskrit, they are known as Navaratna or The Nine Gems. By wearing some of them for specific purposes, you can protect yourself from the negative influences that were found in the heavens at the time and place of your birth month. This is why birthstones can be extremely valuable to us. They can help us break karmic trends, heal ancient wounds, and escape the harshest aspects built into the fabric of our life trajectories.

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