March Equinox: Conversation between the I and AM by Matías De Stefano

ME: So, the March Equinox is the first portal of the year.
I AM: No.
ME: What do you mean no?
I AM: As always, we ask ourselves again: from whose perspective?
ME: Oh, sure…
I AM: We consider the March Equinox a strategic point to begin, according to the Northern Hemisphere, since spring begins on this specific day, while for the Southern Hemisphere it’s autumn. And spring is a good time to begin, since plants begin to sprout again, which means the time for sowing is near.
ME: Ah, that’s why the horoscope also starts on this day. Aries.
I AM: The moment of beginning, the baby who begins to grow, the goat that in ancient times was given as an offering to the Earth, returning wealth, winter nourishment to Mother Earth, so that she may give us life again. A Middle Eastern tradition that went from the field to the sky.
ME: So if everything is a cycle of constant transformation, it’s impossible to say when the beginning is.
I AM: Remember that the Year is an idea generated by cultures to record that a complete revolution around the sun has already been completed. But a revolution can be counted from any instant; that is, every second can be considered a new year. However, the seasonal points of movement or equinoxes of movement (Solstices and Equinoxes) are key to determining the ends and beginnings of something. Therefore, we have four moments in the year that can be considered a beginning and an end.
ME: Why do we use December 31st as the end of the year? And not some other date.
I AM: Because the December Solstice, around the 21st, represents the darkest day of the year, the longest night, and then, over the next three days, the return to longer days begins. Wouldn’t you consider this fundamental to a grand ending and a grand beginning?
ME: Totally.
SOY: The problem is that this also happens in June, but in the southern hemisphere.
ME: So that new year, below the equator, would begin on June 21st.
I AM: Exactly.
ME: And why isn’t it celebrated?
I AM: Because the only traditions that lived this reality were native peoples with culture, traditions, spiritual and artistic wealth, but without civilizations with expansive organizations. The Ona, Mapuche, Selknam, Anangu, Koori, Maori, Zulu, Xhosa, to mention just 5% of the southern inhabitants, and so many others, all of them were easily dominated by European traditions. The only important civilization in the southern world was the Quechua-Aymara empire, the famous Incas, who opened the doors to the conquerors. Thus, all traditions of time, of the way of understanding the world and its movement, came to be solely in the hands of the vision of the Semitic cultures of the Middle East. However, for other traditions, the important moments are not the solstices, but the equinoxes. In ancient Persia, for example, or Hindu and Indonesian traditions, they use the beginning of spring as the beginning of the year. However, other traditions celebrate it at different times. In turn, some are not even based on the cycle of the Solar Cross, but on the moons, like the Chinese calendar.
ME: And why are we going to start the task with the March Equinox and not with others?
I AM: Simply because it is the first portal moment after the Portal day of February 22nd, the moment of the Network activation, which exactly 2 years ago activated this planetary task that began 4 years ago in the same month, on February 2nd. The anniversary of the Network reconnection mission is the month of February, and therefore, for us, the planetary reconnection tasks will generally begin in March.
ME: Ah, I understand.
I AM: In Atlantean times, this day was called Hol-Phyr, which means Time, Cycle, or Stage of Fire. This was the name given to the period between the March equinox and the June solstice, as it was the time when we reconnected with our inner power, the divine spark that ignites our potential. The seed is synonymous with the spark, and therefore, fire was found in that tiny aspect that provided food, which gave us strength, life, and energy.
ME: Is that the intention of these following months?
I AM: This is the intention that we will all put together in this Cycle of Fire.
ME: How?
I AM: Let’s remember the mission and how to prepare for it, before stepping on the first of the 5 Nodes that we will activate on March 20th.
This article was published on Matías De Stefano’s blog, where he shares his reflections and teachings on planetary transformation processes and spiritual consciousness.
We now share the special meditation to accompany this March Equinox portal. This meditation is conducted in both Spanish and English simultaneously. We invite you to take a few minutes to connect with this experience and deepen into its energy.
In the series The Journey of Remembering, available on Gaia, Matías De Stefano shares his personal and spiritual journey since childhood, revealing memories of past lives and the deeper purpose of his mission on Earth. Through each episode, he guides the viewer on a journey of connection with the soul’s history, the planet’s energetic movements, and the awakening of collective consciousness.

Soul Contracts: Do We Plan Our Lives Before Birth?

Have you ever felt that the most important events in your life are guided by a higher purpose? The theory of soul contracts suggests that, before birth, our souls design the experiences and lessons we will live for our spiritual growth. This article explores how soul contracts are created, their characteristics, and whether it’s possible to know what we planned before being born.
Table of Contents
- The Concept of Prenatal Planning
- 7 Aspects of Our Lives That We Plan Before Birth
- How Soul Contracts Are Created
- The Role of Spiritual Guides
- Methods to Discover Our Soul Contracts
- Can We Modify a Soul Contract?
- Why Would We Change Our Soul Contract?
- What Happens If We Don’t Fulfill Our Soul Contract?
- The Best Books on Prenatal Planning
The Concept of Prenatal Planning
Prenatal planning is the idea that, before birth, souls choose the circumstances and lessons they wish to experience in their next life. This process takes place in a higher state of consciousness, where they have a clear vision of their spiritual purposes and goals. Souls select specific challenges, important relationships, and crucial experiences that will contribute to their spiritual evolution.
This theory suggests that nothing in our lives is random. Painful experiences and moments of happiness are all part of a greater plan that we have agreed to live to learn and grow. This concept can offer a sense of purpose and meaning, especially during difficult times, as it implies that there is a reason behind our trials and challenges.
In the series The Arc of Time, available on Gaia, there is an episode that delves deeply into the subject of prenatal planning and soul contracts. This series offers a detailed view of how our souls prepare these agreements before birth and how they influence our lives.
7 Aspects of Our Lives That We Plan Before Birth
Our soul contracts are carefully crafted to guide us on a path of growth and learning. Every experience, relationship, and challenge we encounter has a specific purpose, helping us evolve and connect more deeply with our inner self.
These unique characteristics of soul contracts are reflected in several key aspects of our lives:
- Life lessons: We plan important lessons that we need to learn, such as patience, compassion, or forgiveness. These lessons help us grow and better understand our interactions with others.
- Significant relationships: We choose relationships with family, friends, and partners that will be crucial in our lives. Through these connections, we experience love, support, and opportunities for personal growth.
- Personal challenges: We select certain obstacles and difficulties that will strengthen us and develop our skills. These challenges push us beyond our limits and help us discover our true strength.
- Gifts and talents: We decide to bring innate abilities into this life to fulfill our purpose and help others. By recognizing and developing these gifts, we contribute to the well-being of the community and our own personal fulfillment.
- Time and place of birth: We choose the environment and historical period that will provide the necessary conditions for our lessons. This context influences our opportunities and challenges, shaping our life experience.
- Career path: We select professional paths that allow us to express our gifts and talents and learn through work. Our careers can serve as vehicles for personal fulfillment and service to others.
- Significant events: We plan key events that will serve as major turning points in our lives. These events offer opportunities for growth, realignment with our purpose, and reflection on our goals and values.
How Soul Contracts Are Created
Soul contracts are created in a higher state of consciousness, where our soul works in collaboration with spiritual guides and other beings of light to plan our lives. This process includes a detailed review of our past lives and an evaluation of the lessons we still need to learn for our spiritual evolution.
During this planning, our soul is never alone. We coordinate our experiences with other souls that also play important roles in our lives, and we, in turn, play roles in their lives. This collaboration ensures that each lesson and challenge aligns with our spiritual growth and that of the other souls involved.
The choice of experiences is not based on unnecessary suffering but on the potential for growth that each situation offers. We consciously select both challenges and joys to achieve a deeper understanding and spiritual balance. This meticulous planning prepares us for a life filled with meaningful learning and opportunities to evolve.
The Role of Spiritual Guides
Spiritual guides are essential in the creation and fulfillment of our soul contracts. They help us identify the lessons and experiences necessary for our growth. During prenatal planning, they provide advice and guidance, ensuring that our choices align with our spiritual purpose.
Throughout our lives, spiritual guides continue to support us. They offer guidance, protection, and comfort, especially during difficult moments. Through signs and synchronicities, they remind us of our purpose and the agreements we made before birth, helping us stay on the right path and better understand our life experiences.
Methods to Discover Our Soul Contracts
It’s not necessary to know every detail of our soul plan to live a fulfilling life, but exploring these contracts can offer us a greater understanding and connection with our purpose. Various spiritual techniques and practices help us uncover the agreements we made before birth, facilitating a deeper connection with our higher self and spiritual guides.
- Akashic Records: The Akashic Records are a repository of information about all souls and their experiences. Consulting these records through a trained reader can reveal details about our soul contracts and the lessons we’ve planned for this life.
- Meditation: Deep and regular meditation helps us connect with our higher self and spiritual guides. Through this practice, we can receive messages and guidance about our life purpose and prenatal agreements.
- Channeling Spiritual Guides: A medium or channeler can communicate with our spiritual guides and convey specific information about our soul contracts and the path we’ve chosen.
- Numerology: Numerology studies the numbers associated with our lives, such as our birthdate and full name. These numbers can offer clues about the life lessons and soul contracts we chose.
- Lucid Dreams: Lucid dreaming allows us to consciously explore the dream world. During these dreams, we can access information about our soul contracts and receive direct guidance from our spiritual guides.
Can We Modify a Soul Contract?
It is possible to modify a soul contract, although this is not very common and usually requires exceptional circumstances. Our soul contracts are flexible to some extent, and spiritual guides can intervene to adjust the path if the planned experiences become too overwhelming or are no longer contributing to our spiritual growth as expected. This intervention is always based on our well-being and continuous evolution.
Modifying a soul contract generally involves active collaboration with our spiritual guides, although this collaboration isn’t always conscious and may occur in other states of awareness, such as dreams.
Why Would We Change Our Soul Contract?
We may feel the need to change our soul contract for various reasons, such as facing unexpected challenges that are too difficult to manage or realizing that we’re ready to learn a different lesson that will help us advance more quickly on our spiritual journey.
It’s important to understand that any change in the soul contract is made with the purpose of facilitating our learning and evolution. The challenges and lessons we face in life are essential for our spiritual growth, and adjustments to the contract ensure that these experiences remain beneficial and manageable.
What Happens If We Don’t Fulfill Our Soul Contract?
If we don’t fulfill our soul contract, we may experience a sense of misalignment and lack of purpose in our life. This feeling of disconnection can manifest as dissatisfaction, depression, or a persistent sense that something is missing. Soul contracts are designed to guide us toward our highest good and spiritual growth, so ignoring them can lead to a less fulfilling life.
When we don’t fulfill our soul contracts, our spiritual guides and the universe often send us signs and opportunities to redirect us toward our path. These signs may include synchronicities, unexpected challenges, or encounters with people who remind us of our mission. Ignoring these signs can result in the lessons becoming more difficult or frequent until we pay attention and realign our life with our spiritual purpose.
In extreme cases, failing to fulfill a soul contract may require us to repeat the experience in another life. Unlearned lessons in one life will carry over to the next, as spiritual evolution is a continuous process. However, it’s important to remember that we always have the support of our spiritual guides to help us fulfill our purpose and make adjustments when necessary.
The Best Books on Prenatal Planning
For those interested in delving deeper into prenatal planning, several books offer valuable information and different perspectives. These texts can provide greater insight into how souls plan their lives and how we can connect with our spiritual purpose.
- Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz: This book explores how we plan our life experiences before birth, including challenges and tragedies. It features real stories and interviews with people who have discovered their soul contracts.
- On Life After Death by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: A classic that addresses life after death and prenatal planning, based on research and testimonies of near-death experiences.
- Journey of Souls by Michael Newton: Based on the author’s research through hypnotherapy, this book reveals details about the soul’s planning process between incarnations.
- Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon: Using regression techniques, Dolores Cannon explores the soul’s memories before birth, offering a detailed view of the prenatal planning process.
- Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton: A follow-up to Journey of Souls, this book delves deeper into the experiences and decisions souls make before birth, based on hypnosis sessions with his patients.