Grey Aliens

Grey Aliens are perhaps the most widely recognized and popular alien species, and have consistently appeared in television and film for decades. The notorious Roswell crash in 1947 first brought these beings to the public eye, sparking an obsession with these creatures that still exists today. A strange craft fell from the sky on a warm summer night in July of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, raising concern among the military and townspeople alike.
Some claim that the vessel was piloted by strange, small creatures, about 3.5 feet tall, with enormous eyes and grey skin.
Was the craft indeed piloted by these creatures, and if so, did any of them survive the crash? The Roswell incident remains one of the most debated and puzzling events in modern UFO history, and it’s no surprise that the infamous Greys were involved. Grey alien encounters account for 43% of extraterrestrial beings sighted, and are commonly reported among government whistleblowers and abductees alike.
The exact planetary origin of this species is widely believed to be Zeta Reticuli, a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. Although, there is the possibility that several species of Greys exist, originating from different points in the galaxy such as the Orion system. The Greys, it is believed, have been operating on Earth for quite some time.
There also exists the possibility that they are a later evolution of the human species, and that over use of cloning and genetic manipulation has destroyed their DNA and driven them nearly to the point of extinction. This hypothesis could help explain the harvesting of human tissues and prevalence of cattle mutilations as an attempt to refresh their own genetic makeup. Could the Greys be collecting these samples to continue cloning themselves, or is it possible that they are creating a hybrid species, part human and part alien?
Some believe that Greys are the modern-day interpretation of the fairy folk, whose visitations to Earth have been occurring since ancient times.
Physical Characteristics
Regardless of the extent of their involvement on our planet, the Greys stand out in their appearance. The most striking characteristic of these beings are their large black almond-shaped eyes, devoid of pupils or irises. They have unusually large heads, elongated arms, and seem to lack muscular structure. These beings generally have grey skin, although some are reported as ranging from bluish grey in color to beige or tan, and even white.
They tend to stand between 3.5-6 feet tall, and it appears that their height and skin color reflect their status. The mouth, ears and nose of the Grey species are nearly nonexistent. As generally sexless beings, it is believed that they repopulate through cloning technology, while most small Greys are thought to be controlled by a hive mind; hive mind may also be known as swarm intelligence, which is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems. They are fourth density beings.
Modes of Transportation
Greys tend to travel in saucer-shaped, triangular or spherical craft.
Intentions on Earth
Perhaps the greatest mystery of the Greys is their agenda and intentions for planet Earth and the humans that inhabit this world. It is widely agreed that they seem to be involved in a long-term experiment using the genetic makeup of our species, carefully following and abducting individuals, subjecting them to various tests and attempting to wipe clean the memories of these frightening experiences. Many claim that the Greys communicate through telepathy and often employ mind control when interacting with test subjects. It is said that they can stun and subdue people with their dark and fathomless eyes, implanting memories and rendering abductees immobile.
The Greys are highly intelligent beings, but appear to value science above spirituality. They seem to run the gamut as far as intentions go: some Greys appear unconcerned with human emotions, viewing us as simple test subjects, while other abductees report a positive and emotional connection during their abductions. It is thought that the Greys hold allegiance with several other alien species, either as equals or as a slave class themselves.
Abductees have encountered Greys that work closely with Reptilian aliens, and these tend to be malevolent in nature and subservient to the wishes of the Reptilians. Others have witnessed Greys that seem to be assisting Nordic aliens, another group of aliens known for their peaceful and spiritual nature. Are the Greys using humans as a genetic farm, or are they perhaps stewards of our species, tracking and observing our evolution?
Notable Abductions or Encounters
As mentioned above, the Greys are perhaps the most widely recognized of the alien races. Notable encounters include the Barney and Betty Hill abduction, an infamous case involving a married couple who were taken aboard a UFO in 1961, physically examined and subsequently released. The couple soon began to recall their frightening ordeal, and sought medical and psychological assistance, attempting to understand what had occurred. This is perhaps the first widely studied case of abduction, and the Hills both described interacting with beings that closely resemble the Greys.
Whitley Strieber’s book Communion brought alien abduction to the public eye, as a bestselling novel and later a film adaptation. Strieber’s abduction and interaction with “the visitors” mirrors similar accounts of other abductees, with Strieber’s Greys being of a more benevolent nature. Visitations and abductions featuring Greys generally include medical examinations and procedures, and the appearance of hybrid beings (part human and Grey) are another hallmark of these cases.
Have you ever had an encounter with a Grey alien? Leave your experiences in the comments below.
Harvard Professor Avi Loeb Says Universe Created in a Lab

One of the greatest mysteries of our universe is the question of what existed before the Big Bang and how our universe was created. Could it have been created in a lab by a higher form of intelligence—an extraterrestrial intelligence?
Scientists have studied for years the possibilities that may have created the Big Bang; how our universe was created. Now, Avi Loeb, Harvard Professor of Science and author of “extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” proposes in his latest editorial for Scientific American that our universe may have been created in a lab.
Modern physics has a problem, we do not yet have a good understanding of how to unify quantum mechanics and gravity. If we did, we could in theory figure out how to create a “Big Bang.” This idea led professor Loeb to his theory.
“If we imagine a civilization that had science and technology for much more than a century like we did, then they could have arrived at a theory that unifies quantum mechanics and gravity, and if they figure out how the Big Bang can be created perhaps they could also produce it themselves in the laboratory,” Loeb said. “And if that happens then there is a very interesting possibility, just like in nature, for example, a chick comes out of an egg, becomes a chicken and lays another egg, and so forth. You can imagine a universe like ours giving birth to an intelligent civilization that can create a universe like the one that made it.”
Imagine if different civilizations were given a letter grade; professor Loeb puts us at a Grade C, while the more advanced civilizations have higher grades.
“One can, in principle, classify civilizations in the universe into different classes. Type C civilization is similar to ours where we rely on the sun to keep us alive and we are using our environment the way it was provided to us. But then one can imagine a civilization Type B, which is not dependent on the star next to which it was born, in. fact it can create a habitat that supports its life far away from the star,” Loeb said.
“You can imagine them creating a platform where a civilization can live happily, using nuclear energy supplied to it from nuclear reactors and not from the star that it happens to be born next to, that would be Type B. Then Type A civilizations would be those that are capable of recreating the astrophysical environment that they live in, in particular, the universe as a whole. So, creating a universe in the laboratory implies that you’re at the top of the class of civilizations in the universe. We haven’t reached that yet because we don’t have a quantum theory of gravity.”