Donna Karan‘s Dream

Following her husband’s seven-year battle with lung cancer, Donna Karan wrote that she found it “shocking that it was the disease being treated, and not the patient.” When she reached outside the conventions of Western medicine and brought elements of ancient healing traditions to her husband’s bedside, she found his pain was eased, his anxiety was calmed and his spirit comforted.

She was inspired to make this type of caring available to others, especially in hospitals, where, as she notes, “people need it most.” She sought to integrate the world’s wisdom traditions and Western medicine so that people are cared for as a whole being. To realize this dream, she reached out to the healthcare community, to the alternative healing communities, to practitioners of such healing arts as yoga and qigong. She brought together an astonishing assembly of healers, and in Donna Karan’s Dream we partake of their advice and experience. Watch Donna Karan’s Dream to hear their voices, and go to the Urban Zen website to learn more about the goals and activities of her Urban Zen Foundation.

In den Hauptrollen: Donna Karan, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Tony Robbins, Michael J. Fox, Laurie Anderson, Edie Falco, Prof. Robert Thurman, Richard Gere, Deepak Chopra, Richard Freeman, Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman, Marianne Williamson