Day 8: Dairy & Egg Challenge

Today in the Cleanse: Dairy & Egg Challenge

It’s time to dig deep into moving some of the common allergens off of your plate. Dairy and eggs can increase inflammation, which is the root cause of all disease in the body. We’ll offer alternative sources for calcium and protein from foods you may have never even thought of.

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Today’s Yoga Practice: Immunity Boosting Flow

Gina Caputo targets the lymph nodes and spleen, initiating the relaxation response to support immunity. This slow and steady practice will help you be sweet to your body as you encourage movement in the lymphatic system.


Today ✓ Drink a Green Smoothie ✓ Drink water X No sugar X No caffeine or alcohol X No gluten or soy X No dairy or eggs ✓ Find 34 minutes to complete today’s yoga practice

Tomorrow ✓ Continue cleansing!

Profesor: Gina Caputo